Pro Vicechancellor

He/She is a whole time officer of the University. He/She will be appointed by the Chancellor in consultation with the State Govt., on such terms and conditions as the State Govt. determined.  He/She is under the control and supervision of the Vice-Chancellor and shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be conferred upon him under the provisions of Act/ Statutes or assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor/Executive Council from time to time. He/She shall be the ex-officio Vice-Chancellor of the Executive Council, Academic Council and the Finance Committee and he/she shall be Chairman in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor of all such committees.

  • More Details are available under Section 12-D&E of the H.P. University Act.
  • However, before making any reference, relevant provision(s) of Act/Statutes/Ordinances may also be consulted.
Last Updated:10-06-2022