Prof. A J Singh
"Learning gives creativity,
Creativity leads to thinking,
Thinking provides knowledge,
And knowledge makes you great."
I welcome the students who are joining us at University Institute of Technology (UIT), Himachal Pradesh University. The UIT is well known for its academic achievements and its valuable contributions for enhancing the student‟s career graph by providing pre-requisite knowledge and technical skills that help them to create a valuable position in the competitive world.
The Institution also offers activities like Technical and Cultural Fest (UTKARSH), Workshops, Seminars and Sports-meet that help in overall development of the students. During their tenure of four years at the UIT, the students are given enriching and life defining experiences that enable them to achieve new heights in their professional as well as personal lives.
The UIT has well experienced, qualified, disciplined and dedicated faculty in all the required areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. The faculty enthusiastically work for raising the standard of knowledge of the students through Faculty-Students interaction programs.
The priorities of UIT are:
1. Students oriented Education and Training.
2.To produce "Job Provider‟ and not only “Job Seeker”.
I wish all the students for a nice stay at UIT and bright future.
Professor A J Singh
Director ,University Institute of Technology
Silverwood Estate Building, Himachal Pradesh University Summer Hill, Shimla-5.
E-mail :- director.uiit@uiit.ac.in,uiitofficehpu@gmail.com
Telephone (O) +91-0177-2832571, 2633981.