Admission Notice
S.No Title Start Date End Date
1 Notice of PhD Admission in the Department of Physical Education
(Department of Physical Education)
13-10-2022 22-10-2022
2 Regarding Admission notice of M.A. (Physical Education) and M.P.Ed. IInd year for the session 2022-23
(Department of Physical Education)
06-10-2022 11-10-2022
3 Regarding Counselling notice of Ph.D. (without entrance test) in the Department of Physical Education for the session 2022-23
(Department of Physical Education)
08-09-2022 12-09-2022
4 Regarding notice of final selection in M.P.Ed. 1st year for the session 2022-23
(Department of Physical Education)
04-08-2022 09-08-2022
5 Regarding notice of final selection in M.A. 1st year Physical Education for the session 2022-23
(Department of Physical Education)
04-08-2022 09-08-2022
6 Counselling notice of M.P.Ed. 1st year for the session 2022-23
(Department of Physical Education)
01-08-2022 08-08-2022
7 Counselling notice of M.A. 1st year Physical Education for the session 2022-23
(Department of Physical Education)
01-08-2022 08-08-2022
8 Regarding Notice of waiting list of the M.A. 1st year Physical Education admission for the session 2021-22
(Department of Physical Education)
29-03-2022 31-03-2022
9 Admission notice for M.P.Ed. 1st year for the session 2021-22
(Department of Physical Education)
28-02-2022 04-03-2022
10 Admission notice for the students of M.A. Physical Education 1st year for the session 2021-22
(Department of Physical Education)
28-02-2022 04-03-2022