S.No Title Start Date End Date
31 Notice regarding admit card/Roll Number slips for PG Examinations to be held w.e.f. 11.12.2023
08-12-2023 13-12-2023
32 Result gazette notification of B.Voc. 3rd and 4th semester (Fresh 2021-22 Batch) examinations under CBCS (RUSA) held in November/December, 2022 result declared on 26.10.2023
04-11-2023 08-11-2023
33 Notification regarding submission of examination forms in respect of the students of golden chance/third chance to the B.A/B.Sc./B.Com/Shastri (under annual system) who could not passed the compartment/ Re-appear in two ch
30-09-2023 04-10-2023
34 Notification regarding changes/modifications in the paper of BAMS 3rd year supplementary examination
26-09-2023 29-09-2023
35 General combined merit list of B.Ed. Entrance test 2023
20-09-2023 27-09-2023
36 Latest updates of all University examination
25-08-2023 28-08-2023
37 Notification regarding postponement of all examination scheduled on dated 25.8.2023
24-08-2023 28-08-2023
38 Result gazette notification of MDS final year examinations held in June, 2023
23-08-2023 26-08-2023
39 Revised schedule of the Postponed papers of B.A.M.S. 1st Profession Batch 2021-22 Annual & B.A.M.S. 2nd year Supplementary Batch 2020-21 Examination
22-08-2023 26-08-2023
40 Notification regarding postponement of all examination scheduled on dated 23.8.2023 to 24.08.2023
22-08-2023 28-08-2023