S.No Title Start Date End Date
41 Revised Schedule of the Postponed & left out Papers
18-08-2023 15-09-2023
42 Notification regarding postponement of all examination scheduled on dated 16.8.2023 to 19.8.2023
15-08-2023 22-08-2023
43 This is for the information of all concerned that H.P.University, Shimla has decided to cancel all the ongoing examinations of Post Graduate classes including B. Ed. exams scheduled on 14/08/2023 only.
13-08-2023 20-08-2023
44 Notification regarding postponement of examination of postgraduate & B.Ed examination scheduled on dated 14.8.2023
13-08-2023 18-08-2023
45 Examination centres for Generic Elective Courses of Post Graduate Courses for the student of Shimla Centre Only
09-08-2023 16-08-2023
46 Notice regarding approval of Registration of B.A./B.Com//B.Sc for the Academic Session 2023-24 for all the Colleges affiliated with HPU
08-08-2023 30-09-2023
47 Notice regarding approval of Registration of B.A./B.Com//B.Sc for the Academic Session 2023-24 for all the Colleges affiliated with HPU
08-08-2023 30-09-2023
48 Notification regarding clarification for the students of Postgraduate Degree/Diploma students of ICDEOL January & June Batch (Session 2022- 23) to appear as per the date-sheets of CBCS
05-08-2023 09-08-2023
49 Notification regarding papers are of Generic Elective Courses of Post Graduate Courses 2nd Semester under CBCS
05-08-2023 09-08-2023
50 Result Notification BFA 8th Semester 2019-20 batch under CBCS (RUSA)
05-08-2023 15-08-2023