I welcome you all to the newly created department of Population Studies and the course entitled M.A. in Population Studies.  This course has become important in the present scenario of the country.  India being the second populous country of the world is also going to reap the benefits of Demographic Dividends in the coming years.  This is the first University of North India to have started this course.  To study of the course helps in understanding the various demographic events and processes that shape the population size and structure, various factors affecting population and about the past, present and future population scenario of the world and India.

The M.A. in Population Studies Course is designed to provide a higher level of understanding of population sciences including an in-depth knowledge of the linkages between population and various dimensions of socio-economic development and health.  This course also provides a comprehensive idea to conduct further research in various aspects of population and development.  This course is going to offer many challenges to young scholars, making them well aware about Global Health and its various dimensions.  They shall be groomed and trained to work in large Health Surveys like National Family Health Survey, Longitudinal Ageing Survey and many other big projects and take important responsibility in future.

I wish you all a happy and enjoyable stay in the department and have a purposeful learning.