Fee Structure

 Fee Structure of M.Sc. Geography 2017-18

Sr. No. Particulars Amount (Boys) Amount (Girls)
1 Caution Fee 300-00 300-00
2 Admission Fee 150-00 150-00
3 Library Security 300-00 300-00


750-00 750-00
1 Continuation fee 100-00 100-00
2. Sports Fee 100-00 100-00
3. Medical Fee 50-00 50-00
4. Holiday Home Fe 20-00 20-00
5. Student’s Aid Fund 50-00 50-00
6. Youth Welfare fee 50-00 50-00
7. Identity Card Fee 50-00 50-00
8. Breakage fee 500-00 500-00
9. Magazine Fee 50-00 50-00
10. Cultural Activities Fund 50-00 50-00
11 Common Room Charges 20-00 20-00


1040-00 1040-00
1. Tuition Fee (Rs.150/- pm) 1800-00 Nil
2. Dilapidation Fee (Rs.10/- pm) 120-00 120-00
3. Amalgamated Fund (Rs.100/- pm) 1200-00 1200-00
4. Population Education Club Fee (Rs.10/- pm) 120-00 120-00
5. Examination Fees 2400-00 2400-00
6. Development fee 500-00 500-00


6140-00 4340-00

Grand Total

7930-00 6130-00



Sr. No. Particulars Fee(Boys) Fee(Girls)
1 Admission fee 150-00 150-00
2 Continuation fee 100-00 100-00
3 Sports fee 100-00 100-00
4 Youth elfare fee 50-00 50-00
5 Holiday Home fee 20-00 20-00
6 Breakage fee 200-00 200-00
7 Tuition fee 1,800-00 NIL
8 Dilapidation fee 60-00 60-00
9 Medical fee 50-00 50-00
10 Common Room 20-00 20-00
11 Development fee 500-00 500-00


Total Part-I 3050-00 1250-00
1 Library Security (Refundable) 600-00 600-00
2 Identity Card 50-00 50-00
3 Caution Fee (Refundable) 300-00 300-00
4 Student Aid Fund 50-00 50-00
5 Cultural Act. Fund 50-00 50-00
6 Population Edu. Club fee 60-00 60-00
7 Amalgamated Fund (@ Rs.100 pm) 600-00 600-00
8 Magazine Fee 50-00 50-00


Total Part-II 1760-00 1760-00


Total Part-I & II




Research Fee (Rs.600/- per month) 3,600-00 3,600-00


Grand Total 8,410-00 6,610-00


Grand Total 16,030-00 12,430-00


Fee Structure of Remote Sensing & GIS (2017-18)

Sr. No. Particulars Amount(Boys) Amount(Girls)
1 Admission Fee 100-00 100-00
2 Library Security 300-00 300-00
    400-00 400-00
1 Continuation fee 100-00 100-00
2. Sports Fee 100-00 100-00
3. Medical Fee 50-00 50-00
4. Holiday Home Fe 20-00 20-00
5. Student’s Aid Fund 50-00 50-00
6. Youth elfare fee 50-00 50-00
7. Identity Card Fee 50-00 50-00
8. Breakage fee 500-00 500-00
9. Magazine Fee 50-00 50-00
10. Cultural Activities Fund 50-00 50-00
11 Common Room Charges 20-00 20-00
    1040-00 1040-00
1. Tuition Fee 1200-00 NIL
2. Dilapidation Fee 120-00 120-00
3. Amalgamated Fund 1200-00 1200-00
4. Population Education Club Fee 120-00 120-00
    2640-00 1440-00


4080-00 2880-00
  Development Fund 500-00 500-00
  Examination Fee 1600-00 1600-00
  GRAND TOTAL 6180-00 4980-00

+10,000/- per semester through draft in favour of Co-ordinator (RS&GIS), Department of Geography, H.P. University, Shimla-5

Sr. No. Particulars Amount(Boys) Amount(Girls)
1 Research Fee @800/- per month 12x800=9600 12x800=9600
  1. University Development Fee @500/- Annually
  1. University Development Fee @250/- Annually for IRDP/BPL Research Scholars


3 Library Security (Refundable) 600.00 600.00
  Total 10700/- 10450/- (IRDP/BPL) 10700 10450/- (IRDP/BPL)


No.1-19/2017/HPU (Geog.)

Department of Geography

H.P. University, Shimla-171005                                          September 20th, 2017    



The I.T. Cell

H.P. University,


Subject: Regarding Fee Structure of various courses run by Department.

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed herewith the fee structure of M.Sc. Geography, M.Phil., Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS and Ph.D. in respect of Department of Geography, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5 for further necessary action at your end.

Thanking you,


                                                                                                                                      Yours sincerely,


                                                                                                                                      Dept. of Geography

                                                                                                                  Encls : As above H.P.U. Shimla-5                                                                                                                                 



