S.No Title Start Date End Date
1 Notification regarding formation of SCA (Campus), H.P University for the session 2024-25
(Dean Student Welfare)
27-09-2024 31-10-2024
2 Notification regarding schedule for the formation of Students Central Association (SCA) campus, H.P. University
(Dean Student Welfare)
16-09-2024 27-09-2024
3 Notification regarding formation of SCA (Campus), H.P University for the session 2024-25
(Dean Student Welfare)
13-09-2024 27-09-2024
4 Anti-Ragging and Monitoring Cell/Anti-Ragging Squard for University Campus and for its affiliated Colleges
(Dean Student Welfare)
07-08-2024 30-09-2024
5 Invitation for Annual Prize Distribution function
(Dean Student Welfare)
25-07-2024 31-07-2024
6 Regarding Trials for Admission Under Cultural Quota for the session 2024-25
(Dean Student Welfare)
24-07-2024 26-07-2024
7 Notice regarding cease of SCA for the session 2023-2024
(Dean Student Welfare)
01-07-2024 10-07-2024
8 Notice regarding grant of Financial Assistance out of H.P University Students Aid Fund
(Dean Student Welfare)
07-06-2024 15-06-2024
9 Notice regarding Cultural Scholarship
(Dean Student Welfare)
07-06-2024 15-06-2024
10 Notice regarding Sports Scholarship
(Dean Student Welfare)
07-06-2024 15-06-2024