
The H.P.University, Regional Centre Library is housed in its own building specially designed to house various functions of a modern University Library. The Library building has adequate space to accommodate more than 25,000 books, about 100 readers in reading halls.

The Library has been organized into different reader services viz Main Lending Section, Text Books section, General reference Section and a Periodical Publications Section in the subject field of Humanities, Social Sciences & Border Line Disciplines.

The Library maintains comprehensive collection of books and periodicals to support University's formal programme of instruction and research in various disciplines and promote inter-disciplinary communications and research as well as general pursuits in the advancement of knowledge. The Library had a total collection of 20000 books including periodicals. The Library is subscribing about 19 Indian periodical Serial publications and 18 newspapers.

Working Hours are All working days 09.30 AM. To 05.00 PM. SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS CLOSED.The main Circulation Counter and General Stacks remain open up to 4.30 pm on all working days. The Library remains open throughout the year except on National Holidays, Himachal Day and few other National and State festivals.

The H.P.University, Regional Centre Library is primarily meant for use by Teachers, Students, Research Scholars and Staff of the University. The period of loan and number of books they can borrow vary depending upon their category of membership.

Each Library member is given a Library Pass Book to enable him/her to borrow books from the Library. Text Books are issued to the Students and Teachers only.

In case of damage or loss of a book, the borrower is required to replace the book or pay the cost as per Library Rules. Overdue charges for the late return of books are levied at the rate prescribed in "Library Rules".


