Fee Structure MBA
Sr. No. Head Wise Amount In Rs.
1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

For Boys and

Non-Subsidized Category

For Girls Subsidized Category
1 Admission Fee 150 *** 150 ***
2 Sports Fee 100 100 100 100
3 Library Security 300 *** 300 ***
4 Caution Fee 300 *** 300 ***
5 Cultural Activity Fee 50 50 50 50
6 Poor Student Aid Fund 20 20 20 20
7 Tuition Fee 2400 2400 *** ***
8 Dilapidation Fee 120 120 120 120
9 Continuation Fee 100 100 100 100
10 Population Fee 120 120 120 120
11 Identity card Fee 50 50 50 50
12 Medical Fund 50 50 50 50
13 Youth Welfare Fund 50 50 50 50
14 Holiday Home Fee 20 20 20 20
15 Magazine Fee 50 50 50 50
16 Common Room Fee 20 20 20 20
17 Amalgamated Fund 1200 1200 1200 1200
18 Development Fees 500 *** 250 ***
19 Computer Fee 1500 1500 1500 1500
  Total 7,100 5,850 4,450 3,450

 *   Non-Subsidized students have to pay Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum in addition to the normal fees.

**   Note : - Hike of fees subject to change from time to time as per Himachal Pradesh University rules.
*** Examination fees will be submitted at the time of filling the Examination form every semester.