The office of the Dean College Development Council (DCDC) acts as an intermediary between the university and its Affiliated Colleges and function under the orders and control of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and is directly responsible to him. The College Development Council (CDC) comprises of about 32 members and they meet at least once in a year. Meeting of College Development Council is chaired by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and DCDC act as member secretary.
The office of the DCDC deals with the matters related to Affiliations and Approvals of the opening of new colleges or new courses. Fresh appointments of the faculty in the private affiliated Colleges are also made through this office. For grant of affiliation and extension of affiliation, inspection teams are constituted by DCDC with the final approval of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor. DCDC keep close contact with the colleges with a view to helping them in their proper development, selection of teachers, student amenities, proper utilization of grants and efficient implementation of UGC approved projects and reforms.
Information received from UGC which is related to affiliated colleges is circulated to all affiliated colleges by the office of DCDC. Proposals of majorminor research projects & matters related to 2(f) and 12(b) submitted by affiliated colleges are forwarded to UGC by the DCDC. Matters related to add-on courses are dealt by the office of DCDC.
Contact Details
Prof. S.S Narta
Dean CDC
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