Dean Planning and Teacher's Matters

Prof. Joginder Singh Dhiman
Department of Mathematics & Statistics











Functions of Planning & Development Section 

  • Preparation of five year plan.
  • Preparation of State Annual plan
  • Finalization of plan proposal of the teaching Department/ Construction/ University.
  • To get allocated funds under the plan Budget by the Academic and Planning Board of the University.
  • All matters concerning UGC and State Plan Grants.
  • Implementation of the plan schemes approved by the UGC
  • Monitoring the progress of various schemes approved by the  Commission
  • To ensure timely implementation and completion of the approved programme under the plan
  • To hold the meeting of the academic and Planning Board for allocation of the UFC/State plan grant
  • To hold the meeting of the Unassigned Grant committee for allocation of fund
  • To get allocated the unassigned grant to teacher for National Travel and International Travel, Seminar/symposia etc.
  • All matters concerning financial assistance for establishment of project/proposal of the teacher correspondence thereof with UGC/ State Government of India etc.

Policies and Regulations:

Details of funds received from UGC under XII Plan “General Development Assistance”:
S. No. Letter/Reference No. Date Amount
1. F. No. 39-1/2012(SU-I) 31.08.2012 2,53,13,000
2. F. No. 39-1/2012(SU-I) 23.07.2013 3,23,27,000
Total Grant received till date 5,76,40,000
Funds allocated out of the 1st installment of XII FYP Grant amounting to Rs. 2,53,13,000
S. No. Head Funds allocated  (in Lakhs) Remarks
1. Books and Journals 60.13 Funds have been allocated to Departments in PG Centre, R.C. Dharamshala and Main Library
2. Purchase of Equipment 84.00 Funds have been allocated to USIC, Dept. of Biotechnology/Biosciences, Journalism and Mass Communication
3. Other/Central Facilities 109.00 Funds have been allocated for development and beautification of campus and other purposes.
  Total 253.13  
Funds allocated out of the 2nd installment of XII FYP Grant amounting to Rs. 3,23,27,000
S. No. Head Funds allocated (in Lakhs) Remarks
  Construction and Renovation of Buildings 36.77 Renovation of University Library & Toilets in Administrative Block-Construction wing
  Campus Development 66.00 1.Metalling of Roads 2.Railing work in front of Library 3.Solar Street Lights for new boys Hostel, girls hostels and other places in the campus 4.Plantation 5.Development & Landscaping of open spaces 6.Water conservation - Construction wing
  Books and Journals 2.00 For purchasing General purpose books, biographies, inspirational books, books for NET/SET etc. at the level of University- Library
  Laboratory equipment and infrastructure 80.00 1.Chemistry Dept. 2.Biosciences dept. 3.Physics Dept. 4.Computer Science dept.
  Annual maintenance contract 5.00 To different departments/offices for repair of equipment’s etc.
  Innovative research activities 5.00 For Innovative Research and filing patents
  University industry linkages 1.00 To create a linkage with industry through CII by invites industry experts to hold brainstorming session with students and faculty.- UIIT & HPUBS
  Extension activities 4.00 To activate extension activities through Clubs and Societies of the University, Clubs & Societies approved by Executive Council
  Cultural activities 7.00 To conduct cultural activities through state/national cultural organisations/Clubs & Societies of the University, Clubs & Societies approved by Executive Council, Dept. of Performing and Visual Arts
  Development of ICT facilities 45.00 1.ICT requirements for e-governance 2.Purchase of Computer/ networking etc. 3.For ICT in Depts. (Networking, Software’s & Systems, UPS etc.)
  Health Care 1.00 For sundry equipment’s- Incharge, Health Centre
  Student amenities including hostels 18.00 for the purchase of Bus- Pool Office
  Travel Grant 21.00 To facilitate attending of national and international seminar
  Conferences/Seminars/ Symposis/workshops 6.00 For holding seminars & workshops
  Publication Grant 5.00 For bringing out Journal of the University and publication of manus submitted by teachers and for other publication of the University.
  Appointment of Visiting Professor/Visiting fellows 7.50 To invite visiting professors visiting follows on short term basis as per UGC rules
  Establishment of Career and Counselling Cell 2.00 To establish a functional career counselling Cell,-UIIT/MBA/MTA
  Day care centres 1.00 To facilitate working women employees of HPU and research scholars for day care of their children- Department of Psychology
  Basic facilities for women 5.00 Sitting spaces, common rooms for women (faculty members, employees and girls )
  Human Rights and Duties Education 5.00 to provide general constitutional and human values to the stake holders- Department of Law/ Women Study Centre/ Anti Ragging Cell/Department of Education
  Total 323.27  

Vision: To enable a man to realize his true nature, harness his talent for longer-lasting benefit of human race by engaging people from all walks of life across the range of its academic and research activities and build sustainable societies taking into account the great social and environmental issues confronting the humanity

Mission: To emerge as a globally renowned academic institution cultivating the spirit of free enquiry; acting as repository of information and instrument of knowledge dissemination; fostering research skills and analytical thinking, producing individuals of an enlightened humane society dedicated to preserve the traditions and values of Indian culture and heritage.

Vital Statistics (12th Five Year Plan)
S.No. Details of Grant Amount Communication details Status
1. Total grant sanctioned from the University Grants Commission under XII Five Year Plan


Rs. 14,41,00,000/- D.O. No. 87-1/2012(SU-I) Dated: 25.06.2013 Funds amounting to Rs. 5,76,400,000 /- have been released from the UGC till date.
2. Grant-in-aid released to H.P. University during XII Plan Period under General Development Assistance Scheme (1st Instalment) Rs. 2,53,13,000 /- F. No. 39-1/2012(SU-I) Dated: 31.08.2012 Funds have been allocated.


Grant-in-aid released to H.P. University during XII Plan Period under General Development Assistance Scheme (2nd Instalment) Rs. 3,23,27,000 /- F. No. 39-1/2012(SU-I) Dated: 23.07.2013


Funds have been allocated.
  • Preparation and submission of five year plan report to UGC.
  • Finalization of plan proposal of the teaching Departments/ Construction/ University.
  • To allocate funds received from UGC under the plan through the Academic and Planning Board of the University.
  • All matters concerning UGC funds and Plan Grants and implementation of the plan schemes approved by the UGC
  • Monitoring the progress of utilization of funds allocated to various departments/offices under Plan Grant.
  • To ensure timely implementation and completion of the approved programme under the plan
  • To hold the meeting of the academic and Planning Board for allocation of the UGC/State plan grant
  • To hold the meeting of the Unassigned Grant committee for allocation of funds for National Travel and International Travel Grant, Organizing Seminar/symposia and Publications etc.
  • Allocation of funds received under Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha Abhiyan and monitoring the progress of utilization of these funds. 
  Name Designation Tel. No. E-Mail
Dean, Planning & Teachers Matters
0177-2830499 deanplanning[at]hpuniv[dot]ac[dot]in
2. Sh. Amar Singh Planning and Development officer 01772633508 -
4. Sh. Deepak Sharma Section officer 0177-2833507 -
5. Ms. Monika Singh Sr. Asstt. 0177-2833507 -
6. Ms. Poonam Sharma Sr. Asstt. - -
Name Tel. No. E-Mail
Dean Planning & Teachers Matters,
Himachal Pradesh University,
Summer Hill, Shimla, PIN 171 005
Extn. 507,2833507



Contact Details

Prof. Joginder Singh Dhiman
Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Contact No.:

Email Id:
