CIQA 2020-21

CIQA 2020-21

Date of notification of the Centre

Appointment Letter and Joining Report of Director

Meeting details:-





Approval of


Meeting 1




Meeting 2




Part – II: Requirements as per Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) Functioning



Provisions in Regulations

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Quality maintained in the  services

provided to the learners



Self-evaluative               and              reflective exercises undertaken for continual quality improvement in  all  the systems and processes of the Higher

Educational Institution



Contribution in the identification  of the key areas in which Higher Educational Institution should

maintain quality



Mechanism  devised  to  ensure  that the quality of Open and Distance Learning programmes matches with the  quality  of  relevant  programmes in conventional mode (For Dual Mode




Mechanisms devised for interaction with and obtaining feedback from all stakeholders namely, learners, teachers, staff, parents, society, employers, and Government for

quality improvement.



Measures suggested to   the authorities of Higher Educational Institution    for qualitative improvement



Implementation of its recommendations through           periodic




Workshops/ seminars/ symposium organizedon quality related themes, ensure participation of all stakeholders, and disseminate the reports of such activities among all the stakeholders in Higher

Educational Institution.



Developed and collated best practices in all areas leading to quality enhancement in services to the learners and disseminate the  same all concerned in Higher Educational




Collected, collated and disseminated accurate, complete and reliable statistics about the quality of the




Measures taken to ensure that Programme Project Report for each programme  is  according  to  the norms and guidelines prescribed  by the Commission and wherever necessary by the appropriate regulatory authority having control

over the programme



Mechanism to ensure the proper implementation  of   Programme Project Reports



Maintenance of record of Annual Plans and Annual Reports of Higher Educational Institution, review them periodically and generate actionable reports.



Inputs provided to the Higher Educational                  Institution                 for restructuring of programmes in order to make them relevant to the job




Facilitated system based research on ways of creating learner centric environment and to bring about qualitative change in the entire




Steps taken as a nodal coordinating unit for seeking assessment and accreditation from a designated body

for accreditation such as NAAC etc.



Measures         adopted        to         ensure internalisation                                             and

institutionalisation               of            quality

enhancement        practices        through periodic accreditation and audit



Steps taken to coordinate between Higher Educational Institution and the Commission for various quality

related initiatives or guidelines



Information obtained from other Higher Educational Institutions on various quality benchmarks or

parameters and best practices.



Recorded activities undertaken on quality assurance in the form of an annual report of Centre for Internal

Quality Assurance.



Submitted Annual Reports to the Statutory Authorities or Bodies of the Higher Educational Institution  about its activities at the end of each

academic session.


(a) Submitted a copy of report in the format as specified by the Commission, duly approved by the statutory authorities of the Higher Educational Institution

annually to the Commission.



Overseen the  functioning  of  Centre for Internal Quality Assurance and approve the reports generated by Centre  for   Internal   Quality Assurance on the effectiveness of quality assurance systems and




Facilitated adoption of instructional design requirements as per the philosophy of the Open and Distance Learning decided by the statutory bodies of the HEI for its different

academic programmes



Promoted       automation         of      learner

support      services     of     the      Higher Educational Institution



Coordinated with external subject experts or agencies or organisations, the activities pertaining to validation and annual review of its in-house processes



Coordinated  with  third   party auditing bodies for quality audit of programme(s)



Overseen the preparation of Self- Appraisal Report to be submitted  to the Assessment and Accreditation agencies on behalf of Higher Educational Institution



Promoted               collaboration                and association for  quality  enhancement of Open and Distance Learning  mode of education and research therein



Facilitated                 industry-institution linkage for providing exposure to the learners and enhancing their employability.


Compliance of Quality Monitoring Mechanism – As per Annexure–I (Part V (2)) of UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 :



Provisions in Regulations

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Governance, Leadership and Management:

  1. Organisation Structure and Governance
  2. Management
  3. Strategic Planning
  4. Operational Plan, Goals and Policies



Articulation of Higher Educational

Institution Objectives



Programme Development and Approval Processes

  1. Curriculum Planning, Design and Development
  2. Curriculum Implementation
  3. Academic Flexibility
  4. Learning Resource
  5. Feedback System



Programme Monitoring and Review



Infrastructure Resources



Learning Environment and Learner




Assessment and Evaluation



Teaching Quality and Staff



Compliance of Process of Internal Quality Audit – As per Annexure–I (Part V (3)) of UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 :



Provisions in Regulations

Upload relevant document


Academic Planning






Monitoring,         Evaluation         and Enhancement Plans

  1. Reports from Learner Support Centres (for  Open  and Distance Learning programmes)
  2. Reports from Examination Centres
  3. External Auditor or other External Agencies report
  4. Systematic Consideration of Performance Data at Programme, Faculty and Higher Educational Institution levels
  5. Reporting and Analytics by the Higher Educational Institution
  6. Periodic Review


Part – III: Human Resources and Infrastructural Requirements

Details of Administrative staff-Attach duly attested photocopy of appointment letter with salary details


Part – IV: Examinations

Compliance status of ‘Evaluation’ and ‘Certification’ – As per Regulations 15 and 16 of UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020


Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


The Higher Educational Institution shall adopt the guidelines issued by the Commission for the conduct of proctored


Upload guidelines



A Higher Educational Institution offering Open and Distance Learning Programmes shall have a mechanism well in place for evaluation of learners enrolled through Open and Distance Learning mode and

their certification.

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The evaluation shall include two types of assessments continuous or formative assessment and summative assessment in the form of end semester examination or term end examination:


Provided that no semester or year-end examination shall be held unless:

  1. The Higher Educational Institution is satisfied that at least 75 per cent. of the programme of study stipulated for the semester or year has been actually conducted;
  2. For Open and Distance Learning mode: the learner has minimum attendance of 75 per cent. in the programme specific Personal Contact Programme (excluding

counselling) and lab component of each





Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


of the programmes; and detailed attendance records have been maintained by Learner Support Centre/Regional Centre/ Higher Educational Institution




The curricular aspects, assessment criteria and credit framework for the award of Degree programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level and/or Post Graduate Diploma programmes through Open and Distance Learning mode shall be evolved by adopting same standards as being followed in conventional mode by the dual mode Higher Educational Institutions and in Open Distance Learning mode by the Open Universities




The weightage for different components of assessments  for  Open  and  Distance Learning mode shall be as under:

  1. continuous  or  formative  assessment (in semester): Maximum 30 per cent.
  2. summative assessment (end semester examination                or             term             end examination): Minimum 70 per cent.

Upload sample question paper



The Higher Educational Institution shall notify all assessment tools to be used for formative and summative assessments





Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


Marks or grades obtained in continuous assessment and end semester examinations or term end examinations shall be shown separately in the grade card

Upload sample



A Higher Educational Institution offering a Programme in Open and Distance Learning mode shall adopt a rigorous process in development of question papers, question banks, assignments and their moderation, conduct of examination, evaluation of answer s by qualified teachers, and result declaration, and shall so frame the question papers as to ensure that no part of the syllabus is left out of study by a learner.

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The examination of the programmes in Open and Distance learning mode shall be managed by the examination or evaluation Unit of the Higher Educational Institution and shall be conducted in the examination centre as given under these regulations.

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(a) The Examination  Centre  shall  have proper monitoring mechanisms for Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) recording of the entire examination




(b) Availability of biometric system





Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


(c) The attendance of examinees shall be authenticated through biometric system as per Aadhaar details or other Government identifiers of Indian




(d) In case of non-availability of the Closed- Circuit Television facilities, the Higher Educational Institution shall ensure that proper videography be conducted and video recordings are submitted by particular incharge of examination centre to the Higher Educational





The Higher Educational Institution shall retain all such Closed- Circuit Television recordings in archives for a minimum period of five years

Upload Sample and list



(a) There shall be an  observer  for  each  of the  Examination  Centre  appointed   by the Higher Educational Institution and

Upload details of Observer assigned


(b) It shall  be  mandatory  to  have  observer

report         submitted          to        the         Higher Educational Institution


Observer Report



(a) All end semester examinations or term end examinations for programmes offered   through   Open   and   Distance

Learning    mode    shall    be    conducted





Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


through proctored examination (pen- paper or online or computer  based testing) within Territorial Jurisdiction, in the examination centre as mentioned in

these regulations.



(b) The  Exams   shall   be   under  the  direct

control and responsibility of the Open and Distance Learning mode Institution




The Examination Centre shall be located in Government                       Institutions                       like KendriyaVidyalaya(s),NavodayaVidyalaya(s), Sainik   School(s),   State   Government Schools, etc. can also be identified as examination centre(s) under direct overall supervision of a Higher Educational Institution offering  education  under  the Open  and  Distance  Learning   mode including approved affiliated colleges under the  University  system  in  the  Country  and no Examination Centres shall be allotted to private organisations or unapproved Higher Educational Institutions




The Learner Support Centres, as defined in the regulations and within the territorial jurisdiction, can also be used as examination centres provided they fulfill the criteria of an examination centre as defined in these regulations





Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


The ‘Examination Centre’ shall be established within the territorial jurisdiction of the Higher Educational Institution




  1. Each award of Degree at undergraduate and postgraduate level and post graduate diploma for Open and Distance Learning shall be assigned a unique identification number and shall have
    1. Photograph
    2. Aadhaar  number  or  other government recognised identifier or Passport number, as applicable,
    3. Other relevant  details  of  the  learner

along with the Programme name.

Upload samples


(b) Each award shall also be uploaded on

the National Academic Depository




It  shall  be  mandatory  for  Higher Educational Institution to mention the following on the backside of each of the degrees/certificates and mark sheets issued by the Higher Educational Institution to the learners (for  each  semester  certificate  and at the end of the programme): (i) Mode of delivery; (ii) Date of admission; (iii) Date of completion; (iv) Name and address of all Learner Support Centres (only for Open and

Distance Learning); (v) Name and address of

Upload samples




Provisions in Regulations

Whether complied Yes/No

If Yes, Upload

relevant document

If No, Reason thereof


all Examination Centres




Part – V: Programme Project Report (PPR) and Self-Learning Material (SLM)

Compliance status of ‘Guidelines  on  Programme  Project  Report’  –  As  per Annexure - V of UGC (ODL  Programmes  and  Online  Programmes)  Regulations, 2020

Upload samples and authority approval


Compliance status of ‘Quality Assurance  Guidelines  of  Learning  Material  In Multiple Media And Curriculum And Pedagogy’  –  As  per  Annexure  -  VI  of  UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020-

Upload samples and authority approval


Compliance status in respect of Self-Learning Material–  As  per  Annexure - VII  of UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020

Upload samples


Part – VI: Programme Delivery through Learner Support Centre (LSC)


Part – VII: Self Regulation through disclosures, declarations and reports

7.1 Compliance status of Regulations 9 of UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations,  2020–  Self-regulation  through  disclosures, declarations and reports



Complied Yes/No with explicit link address

If no.

Reasons, thereof


Joint declaration by authorised signatories, Registrar and Director of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance has been displayed  on HEI website authenticating that the documents from Sr. No. ‘2’ to ‘17’ have been uploaded on the HEI website?



Uploading of the following on HEI website (Mention link)


The establishing Act and Statutes there under or the Memorandum of  Association, as the case may be or both, of the Higher Educational Institution, empowering it to offer programmes in Open and Distance Learning mode




Copies  of   the   letters   of   recognition   from

Commission and other relevant statutory or regulatory authorities




Programme details including brochures or programme guides  inter  alia  information such as name of the programme, duration, eligibility for enrolment, programme fee, programme structure




Programme-wise   information   on    syllabus,




suggested readings, contact points for counselling/mentoring,                        programme structure with credit points, programme- wise faculty details, list of supporting staff, list of Learner Support Centres with addresses and contact details (for Open and Distance Leaning mode), their working hours and counselling (for Open and Distance Learning mode) Schedule;




Important schedules or date-sheets for admissions, registration, re-registration, counselling/mentoring, assignments and feedback thereon, examinations, result declarations etc.




The feedback mechanism on design, development, delivery and continuous evaluation  of  learner-performance  which shall form an integral  part  of  the transactional design  of  the  Open  and Distance Learning mode programmes  and shall be an input  for maintaining  the  quality of the programmes and bridging the gaps, if any




Information                 regarding                all               the programmes recognized by the Commission




Data of year-wise and  programme-wise learner enrolment details in  respect  of degrees and/or post graduate diplomas awarded




Complete  information   about   ‘Self   Learning




Material’ including name of the faculty who prepared it, when was it prepared and last updated for Open and Distance Learning Programmes;




A compilation of  questions  and  answers under  the  head  ‘Frequently   Asked Questions’ with the facility of online interaction with learners providing hyperlink support for Open and Distance Learning Programmes




List of the ‘Learner Support Centres’ along with the number of learners who shall appear at any examination centre and details of the Information and Communication                                                  Technology          facilities available for conduct of examination in a fair and transparent manner, for Open and Distance Learning programmes




List of  the  ‘Examination  Centres’alongwith the number of learners in each centre,  for Open and Distance Learning programmes




Details of proctored examination in case  of end semester examination or term end examination of Open and Distance Learning programmes




Academic Calendar mentioning period of the admission process along with the academic session, dates of continuous and end semester examinations or term end examinations, etc




Reports of the third party academic audit to be undertaken every five years and internal academic audit every year by Centre for Internal Quality Assurance




Part – VIII: Admission and Fees


Part – IX: Grievance Redressal Mechanism

