Compliance status of Regulations 9 of UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020
Self-regulation through disclosures, declarations and reports
S.No. |
Provision |
Complied Yes/No with explicit link address |
If no. Reasons, thereof |
1. |
Joint declaration by authorised signatories, Registrar and Director of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance has been displayed on HEI website authenticating that the documents from Sr. No. ‘2’ to ‘17’ have been uploaded on the HEI website? |
Yes |
Uploading of the following on HEI website (Mention link) |
2. |
The establishing Act and Statutes there under or the Memorandum of Association, as the case may be or both, of the Higher Educational Institution, empowering it to offer programmes in Open and Distance Learning mode |
3. |
Copies of the letters of recognition from Commission and other relevant statutory or regulatory authorities |
4. |
Programme details including brochures or programme guides inter alia information such as name of the programme, duration, eligibility for enrolment, programme fee, programme structure |
5. |
Programme-wise information on syllabus, suggested readings, contact points for counselling/ mentoring, programme structure with credit points, programme- wise faculty details, list of supporting staff, list of Learner Support Centres with addresses and contact details (for Open and Distance Leaning mode), their working hours and counselling (for Open and Distance Learning mode) Schedule; |
6. |
Important schedules or date-sheets for admissions, registration, re-registration, counselling/mentoring, assignments and feedback thereon, examinations, result declarations etc. |
7. |
The feedback mechanism on design, development, delivery and continuous evaluation of learner-performance which shall form an integral part of the transactional design of the Open and Distance Learning mode programmes and shall be an input for maintaining the quality of the programmes and bridging the gaps, if any |
Click Here |
8. |
Information regarding all the programmes recognised by the Commission |
9. |
Data of year-wise and programme-wise learner enrolment details in respect of degrees and/or post graduate diplomas awarded |
10. |
Complete information about ‘Self Learning Material’ including name of the faculty who prepared it, when was it prepared and last updated for Open and Distance Learning Programmes; |
11. |
A compilation of questions and answers under the head ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ with the facility of online interaction with learners providing hyperlink support for Open and Distance Learning Programmes |
12. |
List of the ‘Learner Support Centres’ along with the number of learners who shall appear at any examination centre and details of the Information and Communication Technology facilities available for conduct of examination in a fair and transparent manner, for Open and Distance Learning programmes |
13. |
List of the ‘Examination Centres’alongwith the number of learners in each centre, for Open and Distance Learning programmes |
14. |
Details of proctored examination in case of end semester examination or term end examination of Open and Distance Learning programmes |
15. |
Academic Calendar mentioning period of the admission process along with the academic session, dates of continuous and end semester examinations or term end examinations, etc |
16. |
Reports of the third party academic audit to be undertaken every five years and internal academic audit every year by Centre for Internal Quality Assurance |