
Welcome to ICDEOL

Himachal Pradesh University

icdeolHimachal Pradesh University, a premier institution of teaching and research in the country, is situated at Summer Hill, a suburb of Shimla at a distance of 5 km. from the main town. It covers 200 acres of lush green land and offers a panoramic view with its distinctive architectural style. It was established in 1970 by an Act of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly. The Government of Himachal Pradesh and the University Grants Commission mainly finance it. The University has 12 Faculties and 30 Teaching Departments covering various programmes such as Management, and Vocational Studies; Commerce ; Engineering and Technology; Languages; Law; Life and Physical Sciences; Social Sciences; Ayurveda, Dental, and Medical Sciences; Information Technology, Computer Science, Performing and Visual Arts. The University also has its Academic Staff College which offers Orientation and Refresher Courses for University and college teachers. As many as two hundred seventy colleges/institutions (govt./private) from within the State are affiliated to the University in addition to Centres of Distance Education (ICDEOL), Evening Studies, Legal Studies and Regional Centre at Dharamshala.

Distance Education

hpTeaching through distance mode is now recognised as an effective method of instruction in all the advanced countries of the world. In the fast developing socio-economic milieu of today, educational facilities need constant refurbishing and augmentation. It is now acknowledged by the academics of all shades that it is learning which is important and not the channel or the process through which one gets enrolled for education. The educational system in India has been changing from time to time, taking into consideration the socio-political needs and economic conditions of the society. Although the contribution to the various branches of learning by the conventional educational system cannot be underestimated, the fact remains that education through the formal mode has been accessible only to a few. The distance and open education system as an alternative mode of imparting instruction has, over the years, been meeting the demand for education of millions of people at different levels. It is an effort not only to solve the problem of over-crowding in our-educational institutions but also to equip the adult community with the tools and skills to attain professional competence. Over the past four decades various Indian universities have adopted the programme of distance education or open learning. Realising the importance of the system, Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in 1985 in New Delhi.

Working Hours

The library of ICDEOL at Shimla remains open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. throughout the year except on Second Saturday, Sunday and other University holidays. 
