
S.No Syllabus Courses Publish Date DownLoad
1 Syllabus for Certificate Course in German for the session 2017-18 onwards Diplomas 19-12-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for Certificate Course in German for the session 2017-18 onwards
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2 Syllabus for Certificate Course in Russian Diplomas 19-12-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for Certificate Course in Russian
(2852.37 KB)
3 Syllabus for certificate course in French to be implemented from 2017 onwards Diplomas 19-12-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for certificate course in French to be implemented from 2017 onwards
(1370.89 KB)
4 Syllabus of add on Course/Certificate Course in Environmental Science for the Academic Session 2024-25 onwards Diplomas 26-09-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of add on Course/Certificate Course in Environmental Science for the Academic Session 2024-25 onwards
(1604.64 KB)
5 Syllabus for Ph.D. Environmental Science for the Academic Session 2024-25 onwards Research Degree 26-09-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for Ph.D. Environmental Science for the Academic Session 2024-25 onwards
(2449.35 KB)
6 Syllabus for Ph.D. Course work in Zoology Research Degree 25-09-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for Ph.D. Course work in Zoology
(572.85 KB)
7 Syllabus for Ph.D. Course work in Botany Research Degree 25-09-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for Ph.D. Course work in Botany
(423.82 KB)
8 Syllabus for M.Sc. Botany PG Classes 25-09-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for M.Sc. Botany
(1088.32 KB)
9 Syllabus for M.Sc. Zoology PG Classes 25-09-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for M.Sc. Zoology
(861.32 KB)
10 General Instructions and Course Curriculum for Add on Courese for Diploma Course in Biotechnology effective from Academic Session2024-25 Diplomas 24-09-2024 Syllabus General Instructions and Course Curriculum for Add on Courese for Diploma Course in Biotechnology effective from Academic Session2024-25
(371.04 KB)
11 General Instructions & Course Curriculum for Ph.D. in Biotechnology effective from Academic Session 2024-25 Research Degree 24-09-2024 Syllabus General Instructions & Course Curriculum for Ph.D. in Biotechnology effective from Academic Session 2024-25
(297.48 KB)
12 Revised syllabus of Ph.D Course work in Computer Science to be implemented from the Academic Session 2025-26 onwards Research Degree 18-09-2024 Syllabus Revised syllabus of Ph.D Course work in Computer Science to be implemented from the Academic Session 2025-26 onwards
(135.03 KB)
13 Revised Syllabus of PGDCA to be implemented from the Academic Session 2025-26 onwards Diplomas 18-09-2024 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of PGDCA to be implemented from the Academic Session 2025-26 onwards
(687.47 KB)
14 Revised Syllabus of M.Tech. (Computer Science) to be implemented from Academic Session 2025-26 onwards PG Classes 18-09-2024 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.Tech. (Computer Science) to be implemented from Academic Session 2025-26 onwards
(1051.43 KB)
15 Revised Syllabus of MCA (Computer Science) to be implemented from the Academic Session 2025-26 onwards PG Classes 18-09-2024 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of MCA (Computer Science) to be implemented from the Academic Session 2025-26 onwards
(323.86 KB)
16 Course Structure & Syllabus for Master of Technology in Computer Science Engineering effective for the Session 2024-26 and onwards PG Classes 04-09-2024 Syllabus Course Structure & Syllabus for Master of Technology in Computer Science Engineering effective for the Session 2024-26 and onwards
(1575.57 KB)
17 Course Structure and Syllabus for Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering (Power & Energy Systems) effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards PG Classes 04-09-2024 Syllabus Course Structure and Syllabus for Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering (Power & Energy Systems) effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards
(829.15 KB)
18 Course Structure & Syllabus for Master of Technology in Information Technology effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards PG Classes 04-09-2024 Syllabus Course Structure & Syllabus for Master of Technology in Information Technology effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards
(1725.54 KB)
19 Course Structure and Syllabus for Master of Technology in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards PG Classes 04-09-2024 Syllabus Course Structure and Syllabus for Master of Technology in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards
(818.33 KB)
20 Course Structure & Syllabus for Master of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards PG Classes 04-09-2024 Syllabus Course Structure & Syllabus for Master of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering effective for the Session 2024-25 and onwards
(900.55 KB)
21 Syllabi of three Add on New Courses 1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking 2. Indian Knowledge System 3. Responsible Artificial Intelligence offered by Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Diplomas 31-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabi of three Add on New Courses 1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking 2. Indian Knowledge System 3. Responsible Artificial Intelligence offered by Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
(2638.49 KB)
22 Syllabus of MA in Public Administration (CBCS 2022) PG Classes 28-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of MA in Public Administration (CBCS 2022)
(390.88 KB)
23 Syllabus of CERT Course in Public Policy and Governance (2024-25) Diplomas 28-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of CERT Course in Public Policy and Governance (2024-25)
(1146.14 KB)
24 Syllabus of PH.D in Public Administration Entrance Test 2024-25 Research Degree 28-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of PH.D in Public Administration Entrance Test 2024-25
(544.01 KB)
25 Syllabus of Course Work For PH.D In Public Administration 2024-25 Research Degree 28-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of Course Work For PH.D In Public Administration 2024-25
(1412.26 KB)
26 General Instruction and Course Curriculum for Ph.D in Microbiology Research Degree 24-08-2024 Syllabus General Instruction and Course Curriculum for Ph.D in Microbiology
(260.82 KB)
27 General Instruction and Course Curriculum for add on Course Certificate Course in Microbiology Diplomas 24-08-2024 Syllabus General Instruction and Course Curriculum for add on Course Certificate Course in Microbiology
(177.75 KB)
28 Syllabus of PG Diploma in Ancient Indian Mathematics Diplomas 23-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of PG Diploma in Ancient Indian Mathematics
(823.85 KB)
29 Syllabus of Certificate course in vedic mathematics Diplomas 23-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of Certificate course in vedic mathematics
(576.59 KB)
30 General Instruction and Course Curriculum for Add-On course Certificate course in Forensic Science Diplomas 22-08-2024 Syllabus General Instruction and Course Curriculum for Add-On course Certificate course in Forensic Science
(2068.4 KB)
31 Syllabus of new Add on Course Certificate Course in Environment Economics Diplomas 21-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of new Add on Course Certificate Course in Environment Economics
(341.42 KB)
32 Syllabus for new Add-on Course/Short-term Course Diploma in Folk Literature Diplomas 21-08-2024 Syllabus Syllabus for new Add-on Course/Short-term Course Diploma in Folk Literature
(1754.48 KB)
33 General Instructions and Course Curriculum & Syllabus of Ph.D. Forensic Science Research Degree 17-08-2024 Syllabus General Instructions and Course Curriculum & Syllabus of Ph.D. Forensic Science
(3071.97 KB)
34 Modification/addition in the Syllabus of M.A. Education (Regular and ICDEOL) in CBCS for the session 2022-24 onwards PG Classes 09-05-2024 Syllabus Modification/addition in the Syllabus of M.A. Education (Regular and ICDEOL) in CBCS for the session 2022-24 onwards
(482.88 KB)
35 Syllabus of Entrance test examination for admission in Ph. D programme in Commerce Research Degree 28-03-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of Entrance test examination for admission in Ph. D programme in Commerce
(537.34 KB)
36 B.Com. Revised New Syllabus UG Classes 27-03-2024 Syllabus B.Com. Revised New Syllabus
(751.29 KB)
37 Syllabus of M.Sc Environmental Science (CBCS) effective from Academic Session 2023-24 PG Classes 05-03-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Sc Environmental Science (CBCS) effective from Academic Session 2023-24
(1232.03 KB)
38 Syllabus of M.Sc Forensic Science(CBCS) effective from July 2023 PG Classes 05-03-2024 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Sc Forensic Science(CBCS) effective from July 2023
(956.68 KB)
39 Syllabus of MA in Population Studies under CBCS for 2022-23 PG Classes 28-12-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of MA in Population Studies under CBCS  for 2022-23
(399.03 KB)
40 Syllabus of P.G. Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology Diplomas 13-12-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of P.G. Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology
(455.99 KB)
41 Syllabus of Ph.D Sustainable Rural Development Research Degree 05-12-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of Ph.D  Sustainable Rural Development
(2772.56 KB)
42 Syllabus of MA Rural Development under CBCS 2022-23 onwards PG Classes 05-12-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of MA Rural Development under CBCS 2022-23 onwards
(1575.52 KB)
43 Revised and Modified Syllabus of MA English 2022-23 PG Classes 30-11-2023 Syllabus Revised and Modified Syllabus of MA English 2022-23
(1536.13 KB)
44 Revised MTTM syllabus 2022-23 onwards PG Classes 14-11-2023 Syllabus Revised MTTM syllabus 2022-23 onwards
(1168.88 KB)
45 Revised/Modified syllabus M.Com. session 2022-23 onward PG Classes 14-11-2023 Syllabus Revised/Modified syllabus M.Com. session 2022-23 onward
(1092.91 KB)
46 Syllabus of M.A. Sanskrit under Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. 2022-23 PG Classes 13-10-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A. Sanskrit under Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. 2022-23
(1545.83 KB)
47 Marks scheme of Psychology in GE-I, AEC-I and GE-2 in the Syllabus of M.A. Psychology under CBCS PG Classes 04-10-2023 Syllabus Marks scheme of Psychology in GE-I, AEC-I and GE-2 in the Syllabus of M.A. Psychology under CBCS
(217.31 KB)
48 Syllabus MA History 3rd & 4th Semester PG Classes 21-09-2023 Syllabus Syllabus MA History 3rd & 4th Semester
(1652.99 KB)
49 Syllabus M.A. Political Science under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (w.e.f. 2022-23) PG Classes 20-09-2023 Syllabus Syllabus M.A. Political Science under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (w.e.f. 2022-23)
(1217.22 KB)
50 M.A. Translation syllabus under CBCS from the Academic session 2023-24 PG Classes 04-09-2023 Syllabus M.A. Translation syllabus under CBCS from the Academic session 2023-24
(410.13 KB)
51 M.A. Hindi (amended) Syllabus 2022 Onwards PG Classes 04-09-2023 Syllabus M.A. Hindi (amended) Syllabus 2022 Onwards
(580.09 KB)
52 Syllabus M. P. Ed (Master of Physical Education) (Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. Academic Session 2022-2023) PG Classes 23-06-2023 Syllabus Syllabus M. P. Ed (Master of Physical Education) (Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. Academic Session 2022-2023)
(1013.08 KB)
53 Syllabus M.A. Physical Education (Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. Academic Session 2022-2023) PG Classes 23-06-2023 Syllabus Syllabus M.A. Physical Education (Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. Academic Session 2022-2023)
(1017.02 KB)
54 Syllabus of M.A Social Work PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Social Work
(374.43 KB)
55 Syllabus M.A Sociology PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Syllabus M.A Sociology
(304.33 KB)
56 Equivalence of old Syllabus of Sanskrit with present Syllabus since 1990 to 2012 onwards PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Equivalence of old Syllabus of Sanskrit with present Syllabus since 1990 to 2012 onwards
(36.28 KB)
57 Equivalence of M.A. Public Administration courses of 1990 with 2004-2013 courses PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Public Administration courses of 1990 with 2004-2013 courses
(62.31 KB)
58 Equivalence of M.A. Political Science Courses Period 1990 with 2000-2012 Courses and onwards PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Political Science Courses Period 1990 with 2000-2012 Courses and onwards
(946.5 KB)
59 Equivalence of M.A. History course from 1992-2002 with current course PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. History course from 1992-2002 with current course
(612.22 KB)
60 Equivalence of M.A. Hindi Syllabus w.e.f. 1985 with Latest Syllabus PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Hindi Syllabus w.e.f. 1985 with Latest Syllabus
(32.05 KB)
61 Syllabus M.A Economics PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Syllabus M.A Economics
(415.47 KB)
62 Syllabus of Master of Business Economics (MBE) PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Syllabus  of Master of Business Economics (MBE)
(308.45 KB)
63 Revised Syllabus of M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics from Academic Session 2019-20 PG Classes 30-05-2023 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics from Academic Session 2019-20
(372.69 KB)
64 Syllabus of M.A. Painting under Choice Based Credit system (w.e.f. the Academic Session 2022-23) PG Classes 27-04-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A. Painting under Choice Based Credit system (w.e.f. the Academic Session 2022-23)
(542.85 KB)
65 Modified/amended syllabus of M.A. Hindi (under CBCS) PG Classes 13-04-2023 Syllabus Modified/amended syllabus of M.A. Hindi (under CBCS)
(915.07 KB)
66 Syllabus of Master of Arts in Business Economics (MABE Economics) under Choice Based Credit Scheme for PG Classes 03-02-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Arts in Business Economics (MABE Economics) under Choice Based Credit Scheme for
(214.27 KB)
67 Syllabus for Post Graduate Diploma in Population Studies (PGDPS) under Choice Based Credit Scheme Diplomas 03-02-2023 Syllabus Syllabus for Post Graduate Diploma in Population Studies (PGDPS) under Choice Based Credit Scheme
(87.1 KB)
68 Syllabus of Master of Arts in Economics (MA Economics) under Choice Based Credit System PG Classes 03-02-2023 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Arts in Economics (MA Economics) under Choice Based Credit System
(293.81 KB)
69 Norms, structure and programme content in Certificate and Diploma in Human Resource Development(Under-Graduate) w.e.f Academic session 2023-2024 as per CBCS Diplomas 01-02-2023 Syllabus Norms, structure and programme content in Certificate and Diploma in Human Resource Development(Under-Graduate) w.e.f Academic session 2023-2024 as per CBCS
(204.65 KB)
(1359.67 KB)
71 Revised Syllabus of M.A. History CBCS effective from 2022 PG Classes 05-01-2023 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. History CBCS effective from 2022
(2297.49 KB)
72 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Public Administration under CBCS from the session 2022-23 PG Classes 04-01-2023 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. Public Administration under CBCS from the session 2022-23
(1208.37 KB)
73 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Sociology under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) effective from the Session 2022-23 PG Classes 03-01-2023 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. Sociology under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) effective from the Session 2022-23
(932.61 KB)
74 Revised Syllabus of M. A. Psychology Choice Based Credit System (C.B.C.S.) (2022-23 onwards) PG Classes 31-12-2022 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M. A. Psychology Choice Based Credit System (C.B.C.S.) (2022-23 onwards)
(1233.92 KB)
75 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Geography under CBCS effective from July 2022 PG Classes 31-12-2022 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. Geography under CBCS effective from July 2022
(1888.49 KB)
76 Corrected marking scheme of M.Sc Chemistry syllabus under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) effective from 2022-23 session PG Classes 23-12-2022 Syllabus Corrected marking scheme of M.Sc Chemistry syllabus under  Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) effective from 2022-23 session
(482.96 KB)
77 Scheme of Studies and Syllabus for Two Years M.Ed. Programme Choice-Based Credit System with effect from Academic Session 2022-24 onwards PG Classes 19-12-2022 Syllabus Scheme of Studies and Syllabus for Two Years M.Ed. Programme Choice-Based Credit System with effect from Academic Session 2022-24 onwards
(1734.91 KB)
78 Scheme of Studies & Syllabus for M.A. Education Choice-Based Credit System with effect from Academic Session 2022-24 onwards PG Classes 19-12-2022 Syllabus Scheme of Studies & Syllabus for M.A. Education Choice-Based Credit System with effect from Academic Session 2022-24 onwards
(1438.19 KB)
79 Syllabus Of Master Of Commerce To Be Implemented From the Session 2022-23 onwards PG Classes 17-12-2022 Syllabus Syllabus Of Master Of Commerce  To Be Implemented From the Session 2022-23 onwards
(618.43 KB)
80 Syllabus of Master of Tourism and Travel Management (CBCS) (M.T.T.M) 2022 -23 onwards PG Classes 06-12-2022 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Tourism and Travel Management (CBCS) (M.T.T.M) 2022 -23 onwards
(484.2 KB)
81 Norms, structure and programme content in Master of Arts (Public Administration) w.e.f Academic session 2022-23 as per CBCS norms PG Classes 06-10-2022 Syllabus Norms, structure and programme content in Master of Arts (Public Administration) w.e.f Academic session 2022-23 as per CBCS norms
(981.88 KB)
82 Credit Based Credit Scheme for Course Work for Ph. D in Public Administration for implementation w.e.f. academic session 2022-23 onwards PG Classes 06-10-2022 Syllabus Credit Based Credit Scheme for Course Work for Ph. D in Public Administration for implementation w.e.f. academic session 2022-23 onwards
(448.59 KB)
83 Rivision and Implementation of third and Fourth Semesters courses for M.A. (History) Programme for the Session 2022 PG Classes 19-09-2022 Syllabus Rivision and Implementation of third and Fourth Semesters courses for M.A. (History) Programme for the Session 2022
(829.52 KB)
84 Revised scheme and structure of M.A. History Programme under CBCS for Ist and 2nd Semester PG Classes 15-09-2022 Syllabus Revised scheme and structure of M.A. History Programme under CBCS for Ist and 2nd Semester
(1759.19 KB)
85 M.A History syllabus 3rd and 4th Semester July 2021 onwards PG Classes 14-09-2022 Syllabus M.A History syllabus 3rd and 4th Semester July 2021 onwards
(2368.12 KB)
86 Syllabus of PG Diploma in adult Education july 2022 PG Classes 14-09-2022 Syllabus Syllabus of PG Diploma in adult Education july 2022
(146.23 KB)
87 Syllabus of PG Diploma in Guidance and Counselling july 2022 PG Classes 14-09-2022 Syllabus Syllabus of PG Diploma in Guidance and Counselling july 2022
(326.9 KB)
88 MA Hindi Syllabus 2022 onwards PG Classes 08-09-2022 Syllabus MA Hindi Syllabus 2022 onwards
(790.83 KB)
89 LL.M Syllabus (2022-23) onwards PG Classes 08-09-2022 Syllabus LL.M Syllabus (2022-23) onwards
(1607.34 KB)
90 LL.B Syllabus (2022-23) onwards UG Classes 08-09-2022 Syllabus LL.B Syllabus (2022-23) onwards
(1529.74 KB)
91 Post Graduate Diploma in Parmar Studies PG Classes 06-09-2022 Syllabus Post Graduate Diploma in Parmar Studies
(392.25 KB)
92 Syllabus Deendayal Upadhyay Studies for Session 2022-23 PG Classes 02-09-2022 Syllabus Syllabus Deendayal Upadhyay Studies for Session 2022-23
(660.38 KB)
93 M.Sc Chemistry new syllabus under CBCS (Effective from SESSION 2022-23 AND ONWARDS) PG Classes 31-08-2022 Syllabus M.Sc Chemistry new syllabus under CBCS (Effective from SESSION 2022-23 AND ONWARDS)
(1098.72 KB)
94 Revised syllabus of Environment Science for UG classes session 2022-23 UG Classes 29-08-2022 Syllabus Revised syllabus of Environment Science for UG classes session 2022-23
(730.37 KB)
(79.68 KB)
96 Syllabus for M. Sc. Mathematics Degree Credit Based System Session 2022-2023 onwards PG Classes 27-08-2022 Syllabus Syllabus for M. Sc. Mathematics Degree Credit Based System Session 2022-2023 onwards
(835.52 KB)
97 Ph.D Geography CBCS Syllabus 2022-23 Research Degree 24-08-2022 Syllabus Ph.D Geography CBCS Syllabus 2022-23
(966.06 KB)
98 M.A Geography CBCS Syllabus 2022-23 PG Classes 24-08-2022 Syllabus M.A Geography CBCS Syllabus 2022-23
(1705.13 KB)
99 MA-Sanskrit for the session2022-23 onwards PG Classes 24-08-2022 Syllabus MA-Sanskrit for the session2022-23 onwards
(1946.86 KB)
100 PG Diploma in Ambedkar Studies under CBCS Syllabus Diplomas 18-08-2022 Syllabus PG Diploma in Ambedkar Studies under CBCS Syllabus
(2624.03 KB)
101 Post graduate diploma in Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar Chair Diplomas 18-08-2022 Syllabus Post graduate diploma in Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar Chair
(656.01 KB)
102 Post Graduate Diploma in Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukharjee Studies Diplomas 18-08-2022 Syllabus Post Graduate Diploma in Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukharjee Studies
(464.55 KB)
103 New Sylllabi of Bachelor of Hotel Management four years degree programme w.e.f. 2019-20 UG Classes 03-06-2022 Syllabus New Sylllabi of Bachelor of Hotel Management four years degree programme w.e.f. 2019-20
(571.01 KB)
104 MA History 2nd Semester July 2021 onwards PG Classes 25-05-2022 Syllabus MA History 2nd Semester July 2021 onwards
(1583.4 KB)
105 Revised syllabus of M.Sc. MICROBIOLOGY (Effective from November, 2021) onwards PG Classes 06-05-2022 Syllabus Revised syllabus of M.Sc. MICROBIOLOGY (Effective from November, 2021) onwards
(475.17 KB)
106 The Course Work for Ph. D. Computer Science Research Degree 04-03-2022 Syllabus The Course Work for Ph. D. Computer Science
(104.07 KB)
107 Syllabus for M.Tech. (Computer Science) PG Classes 04-03-2022 Syllabus Syllabus for M.Tech. (Computer Science)
(288.11 KB)
108 Syllabus for MCA Duration Three Years PG Classes 04-03-2022 Syllabus Syllabus for MCA Duration Three Years
(346.65 KB)
109 Syllabus for MCA Duration Two Years PG Classes 04-03-2022 Syllabus Syllabus for MCA Duration Two Years
(580.47 KB)
110 Master of Science (M.Sc.)in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Effective from the Session 2021-22) PG Classes 04-03-2022 Syllabus Master of Science (M.Sc.)in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Effective from the Session 2021-22)
(382.89 KB)
111 Diploma in Computer Applications (Effective from the Session 2021-22) Diplomas 04-03-2022 Syllabus Diploma in Computer Applications (Effective from the Session 2021-22)
(407.8 KB)
112 Diploma in Data Science (Effective from the Session 2021-22) Diplomas 04-03-2022 Syllabus Diploma in Data Science (Effective from the Session 2021-22)
(806.5 KB)
113 B.A. Economics Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 21-02-2022 Syllabus B.A. Economics Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(1540.45 KB)
114 Syllabus of M.A. in Defence & Strategic Studies (Semester System) effective from Admissions to the 1st Semester for the Academic Session 2020-2021 PG Classes 14-02-2022 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A. in Defence & Strategic Studies (Semester System) effective from Admissions to the 1st Semester for the Academic Session 2020-2021
(293.47 KB)
115 Syllabus of Master in Population Studies (M.P.S.) PG Classes 11-02-2022 Syllabus Syllabus of Master in Population Studies (M.P.S.)
(907.71 KB)
116 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Social Work for the Session 2021-22 PG Classes 31-01-2022 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. Social Work for the Session 2021-22
(1028.68 KB)
117 Revised Syllabus of Ph.D in Sociology for the Session 2021-22 PG Classes 31-01-2022 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of Ph.D in Sociology for the Session 2021-22
(255.13 KB)
118 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Sociology for the Session 2021-22 PG Classes 31-01-2022 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. Sociology for the Session 2021-22
(519.87 KB)
119 Restructure Scheme of B.Sc (Computer Science) 3rd year annual pattern effective from Academic Session 2018-19 UG Classes 27-01-2022 Syllabus Restructure Scheme of B.Sc (Computer Science) 3rd year annual pattern effective from Academic Session 2018-19
(380.7 KB)
120 Syllabus of B.Sc with Physics UG Classes 10-12-2021 Syllabus Syllabus of B.Sc with Physics
(1337.37 KB)
121 New Syllabus of M.Tech in Information Technology PG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of M.Tech in Information Technology
(1199.46 KB)
122 New Syllabus of M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering PG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
(1217.86 KB)
123 New Syllabus of P.hd in Electrical Engineering Research Degree 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of P.hd in Electrical Engineering
(449 KB)
124 New Syllabus of P.hd in Information Technology Engineering Research Degree 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of P.hd in Information Technology Engineering
(602.19 KB)
125 New Syllabus of P.hd in Civil Engineering Research Degree 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of P.hd in Civil Engineering
(747.03 KB)
126 New Syllabus of P.hd in Computer Science Engineering Research Degree 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of P.hd in Computer Science Engineering
(567.82 KB)
127 New Syllabus of P.hd in Electronics and Communication Engineering Research Degree 23-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of P.hd in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(1057.65 KB)
128 Revised/New Syllabus of Engineering in Information Technology UG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus Revised/New Syllabus of Engineering in Information Technology
(2413.79 KB)
129 Revised/New Syllabus of Electrical Engineering UG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus Revised/New Syllabus of Electrical Engineering
(1060.47 KB)
130 Revised/New Syllabus of Civil Engineering UG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus Revised/New Syllabus of Civil Engineering
(1805.26 KB)
131 Revised/New Syllabus of Computer Science Engineering UG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus Revised/New Syllabus of Computer Science Engineering
(2259.54 KB)
132 Revised/New Syllabus of Electronics and Communication Engineering UG Classes 23-11-2021 Syllabus Revised/New Syllabus of  Electronics and Communication Engineering
(1707.71 KB)
133 Revised Syllabus of M.Phil Sociology 2021-22 onwards PG Classes 17-11-2021 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.Phil Sociology 2021-22 onwards
(255.15 KB)
134 New Syllabus of Ph.D in Social Work 2021-22 onwards Research Degree 17-11-2021 Syllabus New Syllabus of Ph.D in Social Work 2021-22 onwards
(641.92 KB)
135 Revised Syllabus of Ph.D Sociology 2021-22 onwards Research Degree 17-11-2021 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of Ph.D Sociology 2021-22 onwards
(255.13 KB)
136 Revised Syllabus of M.A Social Work for 2021-22 onwards PG Classes 17-11-2021 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A Social Work for 2021-22 onwards
(1028.68 KB)
137 Revised Syllabus of MA Sociology 2021-22 onwards PG Classes 17-11-2021 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of MA Sociology 2021-22 onwards
(519.87 KB)
138 Prabhakar Syllabus UG Classes 28-10-2021 Syllabus Prabhakar Syllabus
(668.05 KB)
139 Syllabus for Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in Russian 2017-2018 UG Classes 02-09-2021 Syllabus Syllabus for Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in Russian 2017-2018
(474.39 KB)
140 Syllabus of Master of Computer Application (MCA) PG Classes 10-06-2021 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Computer Application (MCA)
(580.47 KB)
141 Revised B.Com (Pass Course) Syllabus 2020-21 onwards UG Classes 21-12-2020 Syllabus Revised B.Com (Pass Course) Syllabus 2020-21 onwards
(751.29 KB)
142 Revised B.Com. (Hons.) Syllabus 2020-21 onwards UG Classes 21-12-2020 Syllabus Revised B.Com. (Hons.) Syllabus 2020-21 onwards
(758.69 KB)
143 Syllabus of Bachelor Of Arts In Tourism And Travel Management (ANNUAL) BATTM w.e.f. 2020-21 onwards UG Classes 21-12-2020 Syllabus Syllabus of Bachelor Of Arts In Tourism And Travel Management (ANNUAL) BATTM w.e.f. 2020-21 onwards
(680.79 KB)
144 Syllabus for M.A. 1st and 2nd Semester Defence & Strategic Studies 2020-21 onwards PG Classes 18-12-2020 Syllabus Syllabus for M.A. 1st and 2nd Semester Defence & Strategic Studies 2020-21 onwards
(121.16 KB)
145 Syllabus and Scheme for Master of Library and Information Science 2020-21 onwards PG Classes 18-12-2020 Syllabus Syllabus and Scheme for Master of Library and Information Science 2020-21 onwards
(163.99 KB)
146 Syllabus and Scheme for Bachelor of Library and Information Science 2020-21 onwards UG Classes 26-06-2021 Syllabus Syllabus and Scheme for Bachelor of Library and Information Science 2020-21 onwards
(313.97 KB)
147 Syllabus for Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resourse Development Diplomas 08-10-2020 Syllabus Syllabus for Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resourse Development
(587.12 KB)
148 M.Phil Public Administration Syllabus PG Classes 08-10-2020 Syllabus M.Phil Public Administration Syllabus
(119.97 KB)
149 Choice Base Credit System B.A./B.Sc. Geography Syllabus UG Classes 19-08-2020 Syllabus Choice Base Credit System B.A./B.Sc. Geography Syllabus
(444.26 KB)
150 Choice Based Credit SystemB.A./B.Sc. (Honours) Geography Syllabus Annual Pattern (Revised-2018-19 onwards) Amended 2019-20 UG Classes 19-08-2020 Syllabus Choice Based Credit SystemB.A./B.Sc. (Honours) Geography Syllabus Annual Pattern (Revised-2018-19 onwards) Amended 2019-20
(790.59 KB)
151 New Syllabi of Yoga Studies as an Elective subject at BA Level UG Classes 20-07-2020 Syllabus New Syllabi of Yoga Studies as an Elective subject at BA Level
(309.43 KB)
(1680.22 KB)
(1548.98 KB)
154 REVISED GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS and COURSE CURRICULUM FOR M.Sc. BIOTECHNOLOGY (PG Teaching Program in Biotechnology) (Effective from July, 2020) PG Classes 14-07-2020 Syllabus REVISED GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS and COURSE CURRICULUM FOR M.Sc. BIOTECHNOLOGY (PG Teaching Program in Biotechnology) (Effective from July, 2020)
(482.96 KB)
155 REVISED GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS and COURSE CURRICULUM FOR (PG Teaching Program in Biotechnology) M.Sc. MICROBIOLOGY (Effective from July, 2020) PG Classes 14-07-2020 Syllabus REVISED GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS and COURSE CURRICULUM FOR (PG Teaching Program in Biotechnology) M.Sc. MICROBIOLOGY (Effective from July, 2020)
(670.39 KB)
156 BA in Fine Arts Painting and Applied Arts July 2018 onwards UG Classes 10-07-2020 Syllabus BA in Fine Arts Painting and Applied Arts July 2018 onwards
(21039.27 KB)
157 Revised Syllabus of MA History 1st Semester PG Classes 27-06-2020 Syllabus Revised  Syllabus of MA History 1st Semester
(8783.52 KB)
158 Scheme and Structure of New PG Syllabi (History) July 2020 PG Classes 15-06-2020 Syllabus Scheme and Structure of New PG Syllabi (History) July 2020
(8843.11 KB)
159 Revised syllabus For B.A. Psychology Honours CBCS annual to be implemented from the Session 2018-2019 Onwards UG Classes 05-03-2020 Syllabus Revised syllabus For B.A. Psychology Honours CBCS annual to be implemented from the Session 2018-2019 Onwards
(780.48 KB)
160 Revised Scheme And Syllabus For Choice Based Credit System In B.A. Psychology Annual to be Implemented from the Session 2018-2019 Onwards UG Classes 05-03-2020 Syllabus Revised Scheme And Syllabus For Choice Based Credit System In B.A. Psychology Annual to be Implemented from the Session 2018-2019 Onwards
(491.19 KB)
161 Revised/Amended syllabus of M.A. (JMC) for its implementation from the Academic Session 2020-21 02-03-2020 Syllabus Revised/Amended syllabus of M.A. (JMC) for its implementation from the Academic Session 2020-21
(701.27 KB)
162 Scheme And Courses Of Reading For Master Of Philosophy, Commerce (M.Phil) W.E.F 2019-20 Research Degree 25-02-2020 Syllabus Scheme And Courses Of Reading For Master Of Philosophy, Commerce (M.Phil) W.E.F 2019-20
(540.65 KB)
163 Updated norms and syllabus of UG Journalism and Mass Communication UG Classes 20-12-2019 Syllabus Updated  norms and syllabus of UG Journalism and Mass Communication
(754.46 KB)
164 Revised Syllabus of Ph.D. Chemistry for the Session 2019-20 and onwards PG Classes 04-12-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of Ph.D. Chemistry for the Session 2019-20 and onwards
(209.95 KB)
165 Revised Syllabus of M. Phil. Chemistry Course Work for the Session 2019-20 and onwards PG Classes 04-12-2019 Syllabus Revised  Syllabus of M. Phil. Chemistry Course Work for the Session 2019-20 and onwards
(206.93 KB)
166 Revised syllabus of M.Sc Chemistry for the Session 2020-21 and Onwards PG Classes 04-12-2019 Syllabus Revised  syllabus of M.Sc Chemistry for the Session 2020-21 and Onwards
(488.28 KB)
167 Final Syllabus M. Sc. in Environmental Sciences] (Revised Version I Seprate page) PG Classes 28-11-2019 Syllabus Final Syllabus M. Sc. in Environmental Sciences] (Revised Version I Seprate page)
(811.95 KB)
168 Syllabus of M.B.A. (RURAL DEVELOPMENT) for the session 2019-2021 PG Classes 28-11-2019 Syllabus Syllabus of M.B.A. (RURAL DEVELOPMENT) for the session 2019-2021
(1143.23 KB)
169 Correction/Addition in B.Sc with Geology Syllabus for annual system for the session 2018-19 onwards - Academic Branch UG Classes 27-11-2019 Syllabus Correction/Addition in B.Sc with Geology Syllabus for annual system for the session 2018-19 onwards - Academic Branch
(219.34 KB)
170 Syllabus for Improvement - Communication and Personal Skills for B.Sc.I UG Classes 05-10-2019 Syllabus Syllabus for Improvement - Communication and Personal Skills for B.Sc.I
(127.73 KB)
171 Equivalence of Geology Syllabus with the present Syllabus UG Classes 13-09-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of Geology Syllabus with the present Syllabus
(347.36 KB)
172 Equivalence of UG courses in the subject of Physics of 1990-91 to 2008-09 to the syllabi of 2012-13 UG Classes 13-09-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of UG courses in the subject of Physics of 1990-91 to 2008-09 to the syllabi of 2012-13
(252.15 KB)
173 B.A Sanskrit Syllabus From July 2018 onwards UG Classes 15-07-2019 Syllabus B.A Sanskrit Syllabus From July 2018 onwards
(904.19 KB)
174 Sanskrit Shastri Syllabus From August 2018 onwards UG Classes 15-07-2019 Syllabus Sanskrit Shastri Syllabus From August 2018 onwards
(649.51 KB)
175 Revised Syllabus of LL.M. One Year Degree Course for the Academic Session 2019-2020 Onwards PG Classes 12-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of LL.M. One Year Degree Course for the Academic Session 2019-2020 Onwards
(450.04 KB)
176 Equivalence of M.Sc Chemistry Syllabus for Improvement of Division (1990 to Current Session) PG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.Sc Chemistry Syllabus for Improvement of Division (1990 to Current Session)
(30.59 KB)
177 Equivalence of B.Sc Chemistry Syllabus for Improvemet of Division (1990-2012) UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of B.Sc Chemistry Syllabus  for Improvemet of Division (1990-2012)
(10.07 KB)
178 Revised Syllabus of BA.LLB for The Academic Session 2019-20 onwards UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of BA.LLB for The Academic Session 2019-20 onwards
(1926.58 KB)
179 Revised Syllabus Of LL.B. Three Year Degree Course For the Academic Session 2019-20 onwards UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus Of LL.B. Three Year Degree Course For the  Academic Session 2019-20 onwards
(427.8 KB)
180 Syllabus of Ancient Indian Wisdom (Six Months Certificate Course) from the Academic Session 2019-20 onwards Diplomas 08-07-2019 Syllabus Syllabus of Ancient Indian Wisdom (Six Months Certificate Course) from the Academic Session 2019-20 onwards
(88.27 KB)
181 Revised Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Information Technology (IT) UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Information Technology (IT)
(847.65 KB)
182 Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Electrical Engineering (EE) UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Electrical Engineering (EE)
(749.22 KB)
183 Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
(746.46 KB)
184 Revised Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Computer Science Engineering (CSE) UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
(847.97 KB)
185 Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Civil Engineering (CE) UG Classes 08-07-2019 Syllabus Syllabus First Year (Semester-I & Semester-II) of Four (04) years Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Programme In Civil Engineering (CE)
(749.82 KB)
186 Revised Syllabus of M.phil (Mathematics) and Pre-Ph.D Course Work (Mathematics) from Academic Session 2018-19 Research Degree 04-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.phil (Mathematics) and Pre-Ph.D Course Work (Mathematics) from Academic Session 2018-19
(251.85 KB)
187 Revised Syllabus of M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics from Academic Session 2019-20 PG Classes 04-07-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics from Academic Session 2019-20
(372.69 KB)
188 Syllabus of B.A. Sociology Annual System (Second & Third Year) Applicable for the session 2019-20 UG Classes 01-07-2019 Syllabus Syllabus of B.A. Sociology Annual System (Second & Third Year) Applicable for the session 2019-20
(1076.84 KB)
189 Syllabus of B.A. Programme History (Second & Third year) for the Academic Session 2019-20 & 2020-21 UG Classes 27-06-2019 Syllabus Syllabus of B.A. Programme History (Second & Third year) for the Academic Session 2019-20 & 2020-21
(16955.52 KB)
190 Equivalence of M.A. English Syllabus of 1990 with Syllabus of 2019 PG Classes 18-06-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. English Syllabus of 1990 with Syllabus of 2019
(32.15 KB)
191 Equivalence of M.A. Political Science Courses Period 1990 with 2000-2012 Courses and onwards PG Classes 15-06-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Political Science Courses Period 1990 with 2000-2012 Courses and onwards
(946.5 KB)
192 Equivalence of BA/B.Sc/B.Com English and B.A. English (Honours) Syllabus (1989-2012) UG Classes 13-06-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of BA/B.Sc/B.Com English and B.A. English (Honours) Syllabus (1989-2012)
(413.63 KB)
193 Equivalence of old Syllabus of Sanskrit with present Syllabus since 1990 to 2012 onwards PG Classes 22-05-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of old Syllabus of Sanskrit with present Syllabus since 1990 to 2012 onwards
(36.28 KB)
194 Syllabus of Master of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication for the Session 2019-20 PG Classes 09-05-2019 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication for the Session 2019-20
(780.81 KB)
195 Revised/Corrected Syllabus of BJMC under Annual System for the Session 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 09-05-2019 Syllabus Revised/Corrected Syllabus of BJMC under Annual System for the Session 2018-19 onwards
(1379.55 KB)
196 Syllabus for Three Year Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management (Annual System) w.e.f Academic Session 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 08-05-2019 Syllabus Syllabus for Three Year Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management (Annual System) w.e.f Academic Session 2018-19 onwards
(644.92 KB)
197 Syllabus for Three Year Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management (Semester System) w.e.f. Academic Session 2016-17 onwards UG Classes 08-05-2019 Syllabus Syllabus for Three Year Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management (Semester System) w.e.f. Academic Session 2016-17 onwards
(644.94 KB)
198 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Vocal and Instrumental for the Session 2019-20 onwards PG Classes 08-05-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.A. Vocal and Instrumental for the Session 2019-20 onwards
(215.67 KB)
199 Equivalence of M.A. History course from 1992-2002 with current course PG Classes 03-05-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. History course from 1992-2002 with current course
(612.22 KB)
200 Equivalence of M.A. Public Administration courses of 1990 with 2004-2013 courses PG Classes 03-05-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Public Administration courses of 1990 with 2004-2013 courses
(62.31 KB)
201 Equivalence of M.A. Public Administration courses of 1995 with 2004-2013 courses PG Classes 01-05-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Public Administration courses of 1995 with 2004-2013 courses
(61.91 KB)
202 Equivalence of M.A. Hindi Syllabus w.e.f. 1985 with Latest Syllabus PG Classes 11-04-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M.A. Hindi Syllabus w.e.f. 1985 with Latest Syllabus
(32.05 KB)
203 U.G. Syllabus under annaul system for B.A. Political Science for the session 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 01-05-2019 Syllabus U.G. Syllabus under annaul system for B.A. Political Science for the session 2018-19 onwards
(949.41 KB)
204 Equivalence of B.A Public Admin.Syllabus w.e.f 1990-91 onwards with Syllabus of 2012-13 onwards UG Classes 30-04-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of B.A Public Admin.Syllabus w.e.f 1990-91 onwards with Syllabus of 2012-13 onwards
(136.35 KB)
205 Equivalence of B.A. History course from 1992-2002 with the course of 2012. UG Classes 30-04-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of B.A. History course from 1992-2002 with the course of 2012.
(441.43 KB)
206 Equivalence of OT/MIL Syllabus w.e.f. 1993 with Latest Syllabus UG Classes 11-04-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of OT/MIL Syllabus w.e.f. 1993 with Latest Syllabus
(153.95 KB)
207 Equivalence of B.A. Hindi Syllabus w.e.f. (1989-2012) UG Classes 11-04-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of B.A. Hindi Syllabus w.e.f. (1989-2012)
(86.86 KB)
208 Equivalence of M A/M.Sc (Mathematics) Syllabus W .e .f (1990 to 1993) With Latest Syllabus. PG Classes 11-04-2019 Syllabus Equivalence of M A/M.Sc (Mathematics) Syllabus W .e .f (1990 to 1993) With Latest Syllabus.
(256.9 KB)
209 Revised Syllabus for BA Psychology Honours CBCS Annual to be Implemented from the session 2018-19 onwards. UG Classes 10-04-2019 Syllabus Revised Syllabus for BA Psychology Honours CBCS Annual to be Implemented from the session 2018-19 onwards.
(528.53 KB)
210 Zoology UG Classes 14-03-2019 Syllabus Zoology
(2900.38 KB)
211 Sculpture UG Classes 14-03-2019 Syllabus Sculpture
(2154.83 KB)
212 Zoology Hon UG Classes 14-03-2019 Syllabus Zoology Hon
(1577.73 KB)
213 Paint UG Classes 14-03-2019 Syllabus Paint
(1558.68 KB)
214 Appliad Arts UG Classes 14-03-2019 Syllabus Appliad Arts
(1539.88 KB)
215 B.A. & B.Sc Geography Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.A. & B.Sc Geography Syllabus
(4694.4 KB)
216 B.Sc. Geology Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.Sc. Geology Syllabus
(6676.98 KB)
217 B.A. English Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.A. English Syllabus
(6140.76 KB)
218 B.A. Economics Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.A. Economics Syllabus
(4169.22 KB)
219 B.A. Dance & Music Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.A. Dance & Music Syllabus
(3720.03 KB)
220 B.Sc Chemistry Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.Sc Chemistry Syllabus
(8210.88 KB)
221 BA & B.Sc Mathematics Syllabus UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus BA & B.Sc Mathematics Syllabus
(6642.35 KB)
222 B.Sc. Botany Syllabus for improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus B.Sc. Botany Syllabus for improvement of Division
(4378.99 KB)
223 Syllabus for improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Syllabus for improvement of Division
(2838.68 KB)
224 OTshastri New Syllabus for improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus OTshastri New Syllabus for improvement of Division
(2553.4 KB)
225 Home Science Syllabus for improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Home Science Syllabus for improvement of Division
(6368.84 KB)
226 History Syllabus for improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus History Syllabus for improvement of Division
(4301.4 KB)
227 Old Shastri Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Old Shastri Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(2258.61 KB)
228 Journalism and Mass Communication Syllabus 17 UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Journalism and Mass Communication Syllabus 17
(1310.4 KB)
229 Hindi Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Hindi Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(738.5 KB)
230 Phy. edu. Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Phy. edu. Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(1898.69 KB)
231 Psychology Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Psychology Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(7719.64 KB)
232 Physics Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 15-02-2019 Syllabus Physics Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(5640.2 KB)
233 Political Science Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 14-02-2019 Syllabus Political Science Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(2512.04 KB)
234 Philosophy Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 14-02-2019 Syllabus Philosophy Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(549.87 KB)
235 Public add Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 14-02-2019 Syllabus Public add Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(696.5 KB)
236 Sanskrit Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 14-02-2019 Syllabus Sanskrit Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(3616.59 KB)
237 Sociology Syllabus for Improvement of Division UG Classes 14-02-2019 Syllabus Sociology Syllabus for Improvement of Division
(4368.14 KB)
238 Pub_add_S.M.Phil. & HRD UG Classes 14-02-2019 Syllabus Pub_add_S.M.Phil. & HRD
(622.63 KB)
239 Syllabus of LL.M One Year Degree Course PG Classes 31-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus of LL.M One Year Degree Course
(52 KB)
240 New Syllabus for Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in French 2017-2018 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus New Syllabus for Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in French 2017-2018
(1370.89 KB)
241 New Syllabus for Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in German BOS 2017-2018 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus New Syllabus for Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in German BOS 2017-2018
(448.82 KB)
242 Syllabus for CBCS Bachelor in Business Administration UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for CBCS Bachelor in Business Administration
(951.38 KB)
243 Amended/Revised/New Syllabus of Chemistry under CBCS (RUSA) UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Amended/Revised/New Syllabus of Chemistry under CBCS (RUSA)
(787.83 KB)
244 Amended syllabus of Economics (RUSA) 6th Semester UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Amended syllabus of Economics (RUSA) 6th Semester
(451.14 KB)
245 Physics CBCS Syllabus 2013 onward UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Physics CBCS Syllabus 2013 onward
(210.95 KB)
246 CBCS Bachleors in Business Administration Syllabus 2016 (RUSA) UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Bachleors in Business Administration Syllabus 2016 (RUSA)
(175.02 KB)
247 CBCS Sanskrit UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Sanskrit
(432.16 KB)
248 BHMS Syllabus 2015-16 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus BHMS Syllabus 2015-16
(679.99 KB)
249 Bachelor of Education PG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Bachelor of Education
(281.82 KB)
250 Buddhist Studies PG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Buddhist Studies
(405.5 KB)
251 L.L.B Five Years Integrated Course UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus L.L.B Five Years Integrated Course
(789.24 KB)
252 Syllabus for Two Years M.Ed Programme 2015 onwards PG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for Two Years M.Ed Programme 2015 onwards
(546.4 KB)
253 Syllabus for Two Years B.Ed Programme 2015 onwards UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for Two Years B.Ed Programme 2015 onwards
(852.22 KB)
254 Choice Based Credit System Regulations for Undergraduate Classes, Session 2013-14 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Choice Based Credit System Regulations for Undergraduate Classes, Session 2013-14
(316.68 KB)
255 Amendments of Regulations for the Undergraduate Programme Under CBCS (RUSA) UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Amendments of Regulations for the Undergraduate Programme Under CBCS (RUSA)
(1396.43 KB)
256 RUSA-Notification (Distribution of marks of Science Subject for the session 2015-2016) PG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus RUSA-Notification (Distribution of marks of Science Subject for the session 2015-2016)
(249.75 KB)
257 Proceedings of the Meeting of Board of Studies for English (Undergraduate) UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Proceedings of the Meeting of Board of Studies for English (Undergraduate)
(384.12 KB)
258 OT Shastri Changes for 2016-17 PG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus OT Shastri Changes for 2016-17
(60.79 KB)
(89.92 KB)
(220.75 KB)
261 CBCS as per UGC guidelines in the subject of Mathematics for BA/B.Sc. & B.Sc. (Hons.) 2016-17 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS as per UGC guidelines in the subject of Mathematics for BA/B.Sc. & B.Sc. (Hons.) 2016-17
(977.24 KB)
262 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. WITH Public Administration Session 2016-17 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. WITH Public Administration Session 2016-17
(377.25 KB)
263 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. With Sociology IIIrd to VIth Sem Session 2016-17 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. With Sociology IIIrd to VIth Sem Session 2016-17
(714.96 KB)
264 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. With Political Science 1st to VIth Sem Session 2016-17 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. With Political Science 1st to VIth Sem Session 2016-17
(835.82 KB)
265 Syllabus for Bachelor of Science course- B.Sc. Medical Technology (Renal Dialysis Technology)2017-18 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for Bachelor of Science course- B.Sc. Medical Technology (Renal Dialysis Technology)2017-18
(246.86 KB)
266 Syllabus for CBCS B.A.LL.B. (Hon's) 2017-18 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for CBCS B.A.LL.B. (Hon's) 2017-18
(1369.75 KB)
267 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC guidelines for UG Course for Sanskrit Programme 2017-18 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC guidelines for UG Course for Sanskrit Programme 2017-18
(506.89 KB)
268 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.Com III Sem to VI Sem UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.Com III Sem to VI Sem
(1262.36 KB)
269 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.Com Hons III Sem to VI Sem UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.Com Hons III Sem to VI Sem
(1354.26 KB)
270 CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. with English (Regular & Hons.) Sem-III to Sem-VI for the Session 2017-18 UG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus as per UGC Template B.A. with English (Regular & Hons.) Sem-III to Sem-VI for the Session 2017-18
(1162.95 KB)
271 Syllabus PG Diploma in Adult Education 2017 PG Classes 30-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus PG Diploma in Adult Education 2017
(318.29 KB)
272 Syllabus of PG Diploma in Guidance & Counseling 2017 PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus of PG Diploma in Guidance & Counseling 2017
(331.53 KB)
273 Syllabus for M. Phil./Ph.D Course Work in Education 2017 PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for M. Phil./Ph.D Course Work in Education 2017
(281.98 KB)
274 Syllabus for B.A Education 2017 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for B.A Education 2017
(599.81 KB)
(985.59 KB)
(633.47 KB)
277 (Hons.) Syllabus for CBCS for the Session 2017-18 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus (Hons.) Syllabus for CBCS for the Session 2017-18
(826.55 KB)
278 Regular Syllabus for CBCS for the Session 2017-18 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Regular Syllabus for CBCS for the Session 2017-18
(663.8 KB)
279 Syllabus for P.G. Diploma in Deen Dayal Upadhyay Thought PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for P.G. Diploma in Deen Dayal Upadhyay Thought
(1635.96 KB)
(687.24 KB)
(601.24 KB)
282 Syllabus for Geology for B.Sc. Undergraduate Programme Based on UGC CBCS UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for Geology for B.Sc. Undergraduate Programme Based on UGC CBCS
(661.26 KB)
(695.98 KB)
(696.97 KB)
285 Choice Based Credit System B.A./B.Sc.(Honours) Geography Syllabus UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Choice Based Credit System B.A./B.Sc.(Honours) Geography Syllabus
(823.11 KB)
286 Syllabus for Ph.D in Commerce academic Session 2018-19 PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for Ph.D in Commerce academic Session 2018-19
(79.68 KB)
287 Syllabus for M.Phil in Commerce academic Session 2017-18 PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for M.Phil in Commerce academic Session 2017-18
(83.26 KB)
288 Syllabus for academic Session 2018-19 PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for academic Session 2018-19
(160.09 KB)
289 Syllabus of MBA PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus of MBA
(52 KB)
290 Course Work for Ph.D in Management Research Degree 29-08-2018 Syllabus Course Work for Ph.D in Management
(159.41 KB)
291 Marks Scheme 2nd and 4th to 6th semester of Public Administration UG Classes for the Academic Session 2016-17 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Marks Scheme 2nd and 4th to 6th semester of Public Administration UG Classes for the Academic Session 2016-17
(329.81 KB)
292 Marks Scheme 2nd and 4th to 6th Semester of Geography UG Classes for the Academic Session 2016-17 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Marks Scheme 2nd and 4th to 6th Semester of Geography UG Classes for the Academic Session 2016-17
(132.63 KB)
293 Revised Syllabus of M.Phil. Geography PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised Syllabus of M.Phil. Geography
(227.23 KB)
294 Revised syllabus of M.Sc. Geography PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised syllabus of M.Sc. Geography
(314.6 KB)
295 Annual CBCS syllabus Music Part-2 2018 onwards PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Annual CBCS syllabus Music Part-2 2018 onwards
(508.51 KB)
296 Annual CBCS syllabus Music Part-1 2018 onwards PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Annual CBCS syllabus Music Part-1 2018 onwards
(984.81 KB)
297 OT Shastri Syllabus Page 2 Final UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus OT Shastri Syllabus Page 2 Final
(775.16 KB)
298 OT Shanskrit Syllabus OT Shasrti Pg 1  UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus OT Shanskrit Syllabus OT Shasrti Pg 1 
(109.61 KB)
299 Syllabus of M.Phil. Rural Development for the Academic Session 2018-19 onward PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil. Rural Development for the Academic Session 2018-19 onward
(339.26 KB)
300 Proposed Course of Study and Syllabi M. Phil (Physics) and Ph.D. Course work (Physics) {Effective from Academic Session 2018-19 onwards} PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Proposed Course of Study and Syllabi M. Phil (Physics) and Ph.D. Course work (Physics) {Effective from Academic Session 2018-19 onwards}
(438.99 KB)
301 Modification in B.Ed. Syllabus under Sr. No.5.1 (Courses of study through regular mode) UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Modification in B.Ed. Syllabus under Sr. No.5.1 (Courses of study through regular mode)
(868.78 KB)
302 Syllabus Bachelor in Hotel Management 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus Bachelor in Hotel Management 2018 onwards
(766.22 KB)
303 Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) BIOCHEMISTRY 2018 FINAL 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) BIOCHEMISTRY 2018 FINAL 2018 onwards
(1732.9 KB)
304 Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) BIOTECHNOLOGY 2018 FINAL 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) BIOTECHNOLOGY 2018 FINAL 2018 onwards
(1999.58 KB)
305 Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) MICROBIOLOGY 2018 FINAL 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) MICROBIOLOGY 2018 FINAL 2018 onwards
(unknown file size)
306 Revised Syllabus B.A. Eng. Hons. Semester V and VI 2018-2019 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised Syllabus B.A. Eng. Hons. Semester V and VI 2018-2019
(283.57 KB)
307 Introduction UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Introduction UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi 2018 onwards
(459.35 KB)
308 Introduction of UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi Honours 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Introduction of UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi Honours 2018 onwards
(457.25 KB)
309 UNDER GRADUATE COURSE FOR SANSKRIT 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UNDER GRADUATE COURSE FOR SANSKRIT 2018 onwards
(904.19 KB)
310 BA Sociology Syllabus 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus BA Sociology Syllabus 2018-19 onwards
(302.75 KB)
311 BA in Fine Arts Painting and Applied Arts July 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus BA in Fine Arts Painting and Applied Arts July 2018 onwards
(unknown file size)
312 B.A. WITH PUBLIC ADMINISTATION 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus B.A. WITH PUBLIC ADMINISTATION 2018-19 onwards
(131.8 KB)
313 UG Syllabus B.A in English and Enlish Honours 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B.A in English and Enlish Honours 2018 onwards
(1638.4 KB)
314 Introduction UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Introduction UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi 2018 onwards
(343.32 KB)
315 Introduction UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi Honours 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Introduction UG Syllabus B.A in Hindi Honours 2018 onwards
(368.73 KB)
316 UG Syllabus B.A and B. Sc. Mathematics Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B.A and B. Sc. Mathematics Courses 2018 onwards
(1593.8 KB)
317 UG Syllabus B.A and B. Sc. Mathematics Courses Honours 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B.A and B. Sc. Mathematics Courses Honours 2018 onwards
(1883.41 KB)
318 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Geology Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Geology Courses 2018 onwards
(534.26 KB)
319 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Chemistry Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Chemistry Courses 2018 onwards
(786.52 KB)
320 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Botany Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Botany Courses 2018 onwards
(1114.49 KB)
321 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Botany Honours Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Botany Honours Courses 2018 onwards
(1294.32 KB)
322 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Zoology Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Zoology Courses 2018 onwards
(882.55 KB)
323 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Zoology Honours Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Zoology Honours Courses 2018 onwards
(1319.58 KB)
324 UG Syllabus B. Sc. Life Science Courses 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus B. Sc. Life Science Courses 2018 onwards
(1537.09 KB)
325 Geography Honours B.A. and B.Sc. annual Syllabus 2018 onward UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Geography Honours B.A. and B.Sc. annual Syllabus 2018 onward
(784.56 KB)
326 UG_Syllabi Geography Applicable w.e.f. June 2018 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG_Syllabi Geography Applicable w.e.f. June 2018
(522.45 KB)
327 Revised M.Sc.Geography Syllabus tobe applicable w.e.f July 2018 PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised M.Sc.Geography Syllabus tobe applicable w.e.f July 2018
(291.12 KB)
328 B.A with Education syllabus 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus B.A with Education syllabus 2018 onwards
(651.17 KB)
329 B.A with Physical Education syllabus 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus B.A with Physical Education syllabus 2018 onwards
(505.09 KB)
(482.36 KB)
(1007.37 KB)
332 UG B.A. (Pass) Programme with Journalism and Mass Communication and Honours 2018 onwards UG Classes 11-12-2018 Syllabus UG B.A. (Pass) Programme with Journalism and Mass Communication and Honours 2018 onwards
(755.12 KB)
333 Syllabus B.A. WITH COMPUTER SCIENCE 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.A. WITH COMPUTER SCIENCE 2018 onwards
(521.62 KB)
334 Syllabus B.Com Annual Syllabus 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.Com Annual Syllabus 2018 onwards
(1143.96 KB)
335 Syllabus B.Sc.Physical Science( Phy, Computer science & Maths) 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.Sc.Physical Science( Phy, Computer science & Maths) 2018 onwards
(233.92 KB)
336 Syllabus B.Sc.With Computer Science 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B.Sc.With Computer Science 2018 onwards
(233.49 KB)
337 Syllabus Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management 2018 onwards
(539.54 KB)
338 Syllabus B. Com (Hons.) Three-Year CBCS Programme 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus B. Com (Hons.) Three-Year CBCS Programme 2018 onwards
(702.96 KB)
339 Syllabus in B.A in Performing Arts 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus in B.A in Performing Arts 2018 onwards
(1345.7 KB)
340 ONE YEAR PG DIPLOMA IN BIOINFORMATICS 2018 onwards PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus ONE YEAR PG DIPLOMA IN BIOINFORMATICS 2018 onwards
(805.15 KB)
(408.49 KB)
342 Syllabus in B.Sc Physical Science(Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and B.Sc with Physics 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus in B.Sc Physical Science(Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and B.Sc with Physics 2018-19 onwards
(1216.38 KB)
343 Syllabus for B.A. Philosophy 2018-2019 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus for B.A. Philosophy 2018-2019 onwards
(280.35 KB)
344 Syllabus of B.VOC. (Retail Management)and (Hospitality and Tourism ) IIIrd to VIth sem for the session 2018-19 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus of B.VOC. (Retail Management)and (Hospitality and Tourism ) IIIrd to VIth sem for the session 2018-19
(990.53 KB)
345 Syllabus BA (Economics) Pass Course 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus BA (Economics) Pass Course 2018-19 onwards
(979.8 KB)
346 Syllabus BA (Economics) Honours 2018-19 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus BA (Economics) Honours 2018-19 onwards
(1189.6 KB)
(646.81 KB)
348 B.A. Human Development and Family Empowerment (Annual system) 2018-19 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus B.A. Human Development and Family Empowerment (Annual system) 2018-19
(415.38 KB)
(552.77 KB)
350 B.A. Resource Management and Design Application (Annual system) 2018-19 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus B.A. Resource Management and Design Application (Annual system) 2018-19
(609.54 KB)
351 Political Science B.A. 1st Year Syllabus (2018-19) UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Political Science B.A. 1st Year Syllabus (2018-19)
(418.35 KB)
352 Revised Syllabus B.A. with English Semester V and VI 2018 -2019 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised Syllabus B.A. with English Semester V and VI 2018 -2019
(299.39 KB)
353 Revised B.Com. Vth and VIth Semester system Pass Course 2018 onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised B.Com. Vth and VIth Semester system Pass Course 2018 onwards
(444.57 KB)
354 Revised B.Com (Hon's ) VIth Sem. 2018 Onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised B.Com (Hon's ) VIth Sem. 2018 Onwards
(460.97 KB)
355 BOS B.Sc.(Computer Science), Sec1 & Sec2 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus BOS B.Sc.(Computer Science), Sec1 & Sec2
(unknown file size)
356 UG syllabus BA Sanskrit Amendments in Course Code and Subject in Old Pattern CBCS System UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG syllabus BA Sanskrit Amendments in  Course Code and Subject in Old Pattern CBCS System
(221.36 KB)
357 Revised B.A and Math Syllabus semester system Under UGC-CBCS Session 2016-17 Onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Revised B.A and Math Syllabus semester system Under UGC-CBCS Session 2016-17 Onwards
(441.78 KB)
358 Final Syllabus B. Sc. _Hons Math Syllabus semester system Under UGC-CBCS Session 2016-17 Onwards UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Final Syllabus B. Sc. _Hons Math Syllabus semester system Under UGC-CBCS Session 2016-17 Onwards
(582.81 KB)
359 UG SYLLABUS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Annual system) 2018-19 UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG SYLLABUS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Annual system) 2018-19
(138.85 KB)
360 Syllabus of PG Diploma in Ambedkar Studies PG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus Syllabus of PG Diploma in Ambedkar Studies
(unknown file size)
361 UG Syllabus Under (CBCS) in Bachelor of Science Physical Science (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and Bachelor of Science with Physics Department of Physics (Effective from 2016-17) UG Classes 29-08-2018 Syllabus UG Syllabus Under (CBCS) in Bachelor of Science Physical Science (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and Bachelor of Science with Physics Department of Physics (Effective from 2016-17)
(1941.58 KB)
362 M.Sc.Syllabus 2013-14 PG Classes 26-08-2017 Syllabus M.Sc.Syllabus 2013-14
(625.88 KB)
363 Notification Regarding RUSA System Academic branch (20/07/2016). 19-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding RUSA System Academic branch (20/07/2016).
(423.07 KB)
364 Notification-Academic branch (20/07/2016). 05-07-2017 Syllabus Notification-Academic branch (20/07/2016).
(512.44 KB)
365 Notification Regarding Revised Fee Structure of two years B.Ed Course--Academic Branch (15/03/2017). 13-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Revised Fee Structure of two years B.Ed Course--Academic Branch (15/03/2017).
(200.15 KB)
366 Notification Regarding the paper of Environment Sciences will be of 100 Marks ---Academic Branch (17/02/2017) 12-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding the paper of Environment Sciences will be of 100 Marks ---Academic Branch (17/02/2017)
(34.2 KB)
367 Regarding Students of Jammu and Kashmir-Academic Branch (17/05/2016). 18-07-2017 Syllabus Regarding Students of Jammu and Kashmir-Academic Branch (17/05/2016).
(64.51 KB)
368 Equivalence of Public Administration under old syllabus with New Syllabus Regarding--Academic Branch (28/11/2016). 18-07-2017 Syllabus Equivalence of Public Administration under old syllabus with New Syllabus Regarding--Academic Branch (28/11/2016).
(102.72 KB)
369 Notification Regarding RUSA CBCS First Semester Exam. Nov. 2015-Academic Branch (09/09/2016). 05-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding RUSA CBCS First Semester Exam. Nov. 2015-Academic Branch (09/09/2016).
(55.82 KB)
370 Notification Regarding Golden Chance for UG Classes-Academic Branch (30/08/2016) 11-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Golden Chance for UG Classes-Academic Branch (30/08/2016)
(60.08 KB)
371 Notification-Academic branch (18/07/2016). 17-07-2017 Syllabus Notification-Academic branch (18/07/2016).
(528.74 KB)
372 Notification-Academic Branch (06/07/2016). 05-07-2017 Syllabus Notification-Academic Branch (06/07/2016).
(322.09 KB)
373 Notification Regarding RUSA fees for IIIrd and IVth Sem-Academic Branch (06/04/2016). 12-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding RUSA fees for IIIrd and IVth Sem-Academic Branch (06/04/2016).
(355.46 KB)
374 Notification Regarding Vacation/Admission/Examination Schedule for the Academic Session 2016-17-Academic Branch (29/06/2016) 18-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Vacation/Admission/Examination Schedule for the Academic Session 2016-17-Academic Branch (29/06/2016)
(92.57 KB)
375 Notification Regarding CBCS Implementations of Undergraduate Level-Academic Branch (27/06/2016). 11-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding CBCS Implementations of Undergraduate Level-Academic Branch (27/06/2016).
(136.76 KB)
376 Regarding Compliance of UGC Instructions-Academic Branch (24/06/2016). 26-07-2017 Syllabus Regarding Compliance of UGC Instructions-Academic Branch (24/06/2016).
(59.5 KB)
377 Notification Regarding Under Graduate CBCS-Academic Branch (21/06/2016) 19-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Under Graduate CBCS-Academic Branch (21/06/2016)
(474.72 KB)
378 Notification Regarding Under Graduate CBCS for the Session 2016-17-Academic Branch (04/06/2016) 14-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Under Graduate CBCS for the Session 2016-17-Academic Branch (04/06/2016)
(41.91 KB)
379 Notification Regarding Improvement of Division for PG Classes-Academic Branch (29/03/2016) 04-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Improvement of Division for PG Classes-Academic Branch (29/03/2016)
(174.48 KB)
380 Decision taken in the meeting dated 24.02.2016-Academic Branch (15/03/2016) 11-07-2017 Syllabus Decision taken in the meeting dated 24.02.2016-Academic Branch (15/03/2016)
(1234.21 KB)
381 Proceedings of the meeting held on 24th Feb. 2016-Academic Branch (09/03/2016) 26-07-2017 Syllabus Proceedings of the meeting held on 24th Feb. 2016-Academic Branch (09/03/2016)
(1300.5 KB)
382 Notification-Academic Branch (06/11/2015) 12-07-2017 Syllabus Notification-Academic Branch (06/11/2015)
(208.58 KB)
383 Regarding Admission in B.A/ IIIrd Year-Academic Branch (08/10/2015) 04-07-2017 Syllabus Regarding Admission in B.A/ IIIrd Year-Academic Branch (08/10/2015)
(66.91 KB)
384 ICDEOL Diploma Courses For Animation and Interrier Design Diplomas 20-07-2017 Syllabus ICDEOL Diploma Courses For Animation and Interrier Design
(586.46 KB)
385 Syllabus of one year UG Diploma in Tourist Guide Diplomas 19-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of one year UG Diploma in Tourist Guide
(410.44 KB)
386 UG Diploma in Tourist Guide---Academic Branch Diplomas 11-07-2017 Syllabus UG Diploma in Tourist Guide---Academic Branch
(37.23 KB)
387 Diploma in Psychology Diplomas 20-07-2017 Syllabus Diploma in Psychology
(52 KB)
388 Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) Diplomas 12-07-2017 Syllabus Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)
(336.16 KB)
389 Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management Diplomas 10-07-2017 Syllabus Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management
(232.61 KB)
390 Diploma in Remote Sensing (G.I) Geography One year Diplomas 06-07-2017 Syllabus Diploma in Remote Sensing (G.I) Geography One year
(419.06 KB)
391 Syllabus of M.Phil Hindi Research Degree 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Hindi
(151.42 KB)
392 Syllabus of M.Phil History Research Degree 18-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil History
(350.61 KB)
393 Syllabus of M.Phil Bio-technology Research Degree 20-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Bio-technology
(290.17 KB)
394 Syllabus of M.Phil Chemistry Research Degree 04-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Chemistry
(338.27 KB)
395 Syllabus of M.Phil Physics Research Degree 18-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Physics
(52 KB)
396 Syllabus of M.Phil Mathematics Research Degree 06-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Mathematics
(414.79 KB)
397 Syllabus of M.Phil Psychology Research Degree 26-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Psychology
(52 KB)
398 Syllabus of M.Phil Geography Research Degree 12-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Geography
(243.96 KB)
399 Syllabus of M.Phil Sociology Research Degree 12-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Sociology
(627.56 KB)
400 Syllabus of M.Phil Music Research Degree 17-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Music
(179.4 KB)
401 Master of Technology in Computer Science (M.Tech) Research Degree 18-07-2017 Syllabus Master of Technology in Computer Science (M.Tech)
(410.31 KB)
402 Syllabus of M.Phil Pol-Science Research Degree 27-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Phil Pol-Science
(216.34 KB)
403 New M.Phil & Ph.D. Syllabus 2017 -18 PG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus New M.Phil & Ph.D. Syllabus 2017 -18
(249.01 KB)
404 Notification Regarding M.Phil Physics and Ph.D PG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding M.Phil Physics and Ph.D
(37.71 KB)
405 Syllabus M.Sc Zoology PG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus M.Sc Zoology
(359.24 KB)
406 Syllabus M.Sc Botany PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus M.Sc Botany
(459.13 KB)
407 M.A (Education) through ICDEOL -Under Semester System Academic Session 2015-16 PG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus M.A (Education) through ICDEOL -Under Semester System Academic Session 2015-16
(912.63 KB)
408 Syllabus for Master Degree in Police Administration 2016-17 PG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus for Master Degree in Police Administration 2016-17
(598.05 KB)
409 Modification in M.Ed Syllabus w.e.f 2015-2016 PG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Modification in M.Ed Syllabus w.e.f 2015-2016
(269.02 KB)
410 Choice Based Credit System Regulations for Postgraduate Classes, Session 2014-15 PG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Choice Based Credit System Regulations for Postgraduate Classes, Session 2014-15
(544.66 KB)
411 New Syllabus of M.A Education under CBCS System PG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus New Syllabus of M.A Education under CBCS System
(1144.22 KB)
412 Notification for M.Ed and B.Ed Syllabus PG Classes 22-07-2017 Syllabus Notification for M.Ed and B.Ed Syllabus
(356.71 KB)
413 Regulation and Syllabus for Two Years M.Ed Programme PG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Regulation and Syllabus for Two Years M.Ed Programme
(666.7 KB)
414 Courses of Study and Syllabi for M. Sc. Physics (Effective from the session 2009 onwards) PG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Courses of Study and Syllabi for M. Sc. Physics (Effective from the session 2009 onwards)
(589.45 KB)
415 Syllabus of M.Sc/MA Mathematics PG Classes 19-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Sc/MA Mathematics
(451.95 KB)
416 Syllabus of M.A Psychology PG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Psychology
(111.56 KB)
417 Syllabus of M.A Social Work PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Social Work
(374.43 KB)
418 Syllabus M.A Sociology PG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus M.A Sociology
(304.33 KB)
419 Syllabus M.A Economics PG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus M.A Economics
(415.47 KB)
420 Master of Business Economics (MBE) PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Master of Business Economics (MBE)
(308.45 KB)
421 Syllabus of M. Com 3rd sem PG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M. Com 3rd sem
(600.75 KB)
422 Syllabus of Master of Commerce (M.Com)1st sem PG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Commerce (M.Com)1st sem
(1523.78 KB)
423 Syllabus of M.A Visual Arts PG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Visual Arts
(52 KB)
424 Syllabus of M.A Music PG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Music
(229.87 KB)
425 Syllabus of M.A Geography PG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Geography
(398.03 KB)
426 Syllabus of M.A History PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A History
(669.47 KB)
427 Syllabus of M.Sc Chemistry PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Sc Chemistry
(706.05 KB)
428 Syllabus of M.Sc Biotechnology PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Sc Biotechnology
(523.76 KB)
429 Syllabus of M.Sc Microbiology PG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.Sc Microbiology
(515.16 KB)
430 Syllabus of M.A Public Administration PG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Public Administration
(622.63 KB)
431 Syllabus of M.A Pol-Science PG Classes 06-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A Pol-Science
(393.16 KB)
432 Syllabus of MA (Hindi) PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of MA (Hindi)
(238.19 KB)
433 Syllabus of M.A English PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of M.A English
(319.84 KB)
434 Syllabus of Master of Tourism Administration (MTA) PG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Tourism Administration (MTA)
(372.95 KB)
435 Syllabus of Master of Mass Communication/PGDMC PG Classes 19-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Mass Communication/PGDMC
(269.09 KB)
436 Syllabus of Master of Business Administration (MBA) PG Classes 14-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of Master of Business Administration (MBA)
(491.13 KB)
437 Syllabus of L.L.B Three Years PG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of L.L.B Three Years
(448.9 KB)
438 Master of Education PG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Master of Education
(193.09 KB)
439 Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) PG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)
(336.16 KB)
440 Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management PG Classes 16-07-2017 Syllabus Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management
(232.61 KB)
441 Notification Regarding Marks and Pattern of Environment Science Under UGC(CBCS) UG Classes 13-07-2017 Syllabus Notification Regarding Marks and Pattern of Environment Science Under UGC(CBCS)
(168.9 KB)
442 Syllabus of B.A. /B. Sc.(Mathematics) Effective from Academic session 2014-2015 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of  B.A. /B. Sc.(Mathematics) Effective from Academic session 2014-2015
(261.66 KB)
443 Syllabus of Geology for B.Sc. Undergraduate Programme UGC CBCS Session 2016 UG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of Geology for B.Sc. Undergraduate Programme UGC CBCS Session 2016
(75.32 KB)
444 Change in Subject Code B.Sc. Zoology (UGC Pattern) UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Change in Subject Code B.Sc. Zoology (UGC Pattern)
(266.87 KB)
445 Amendments in B.Sc. Zoology (Major) UG Classes 01-07-2017 Syllabus Amendments in B.Sc. Zoology (Major)
(1466.46 KB)
446 Amendments in B.Sc. Botany (Major) UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Amendments in B.Sc. Botany (Major)
(1480.71 KB)
447 Revised Syllabus and information regarding marks distribution of Public Admn. under CBCS UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Revised Syllabus and information regarding marks distribution of Public Admn. under CBCS
(129.29 KB)
448 UG CBCS RUSA Political Science VI semester Minor syllabus and Marks scheme UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus UG CBCS RUSA Political Science VI semester Minor syllabus and Marks scheme
(220.59 KB)
449 Minor syllabus and Marks scheme for VI semester (UG Sociology) for the session 2014-15 UG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Minor syllabus and Marks scheme for VI semester (UG Sociology) for the session 2014-15
(311.98 KB)
450 Minor syllabus and Marks scheme for VI semester (UG Sociology) for the session 2015-16 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus Minor syllabus and Marks scheme for VI semester (UG Sociology) for the session 2015-16
(154.46 KB)
451 CBCS UG Syllabus for Philosophy for 6th Semester (Minor Course) for Academic session 2014-15,2015-16 UG Classes 06-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS UG Syllabus for Philosophy for 6th Semester (Minor Course) for Academic session 2014-15,2015-16
(262.98 KB)
452 Sanskrit Minor Elective Course for 6th Semester Session 2014-15 OR 2015-16 UG Classes 20-07-2017 Syllabus Sanskrit Minor Elective Course for 6th Semester Session 2014-15 OR 2015-16
(354.9 KB)
453 OTMIL Shastri 6th Sem MInor 2014-15 & 2015-16 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus OTMIL Shastri 6th Sem MInor 2014-15 & 2015-16
(301.77 KB)
454 BA Minor Elective Course VI (Hindi) VIth Semester Session 2015-16 UG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus BA Minor Elective Course VI (Hindi) VIth Semester Session 2015-16
(19.64 KB)
455 BA Minor Elective Course VI (Hindi) VIth Semester Session 2014-15 UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus BA Minor Elective Course VI (Hindi) VIth Semester Session 2014-15
(18.96 KB)
456 changes in the syllabus BA, BSc,Home science-- 2014-2015, 2015-2016 UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus changes in the syllabus BA, BSc,Home science-- 2014-2015, 2015-2016
(358.17 KB)
457 RUSA Syllabus 2013-14 Onwards UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus RUSA Syllabus 2013-14 Onwards
(322.42 KB)
458 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2014-2015 Dance UG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2014-2015 Dance
(415.94 KB)
459 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2015-2016 Dance UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2015-2016 Dance
(416.29 KB)
460 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2014-2015 MUSIC UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2014-2015 MUSIC
(255.44 KB)
461 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2015-2016 MUSIC UG Classes 25-07-2017 Syllabus 6 sem BA Rusa Minor 2015-2016 MUSIC
(241.93 KB)
462 Syllabus Journalism and Mass Communication BJMC-2015 UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus Journalism and Mass Communication BJMC-2015
(330.5 KB)
(581.88 KB)
(441.4 KB)
(687.41 KB)
466 Syllabus For B.A. Resource Management and Design Application CBCS 2016-17 Onwards UG Classes 16-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus For B.A. Resource Management and Design Application CBCS 2016-17 Onwards
(575.91 KB)
(202.41 KB)
468 Syllabus For B.A. Human Development and Family Empowerment CBCS 2016-17 Onwards UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus For B.A. Human Development and Family Empowerment CBCS 2016-17 Onwards
(322.66 KB)
469 Syllabus For B.A Apparel Design and Construction CBCS 2016-17 Onwards UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus For B.A Apparel Design and Construction CBCS 2016-17 Onwards
(510.81 KB)
470 CBCS Syllabus Home Science Nutrition and Health Education BANHE 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus Home Science Nutrition and Health Education BANHE 2016-17
(442.39 KB)
471 CBCS Syllabus for BA Philosophy 2016-17 onwards UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus for BA Philosophy 2016-17 onwards
(185.73 KB)
472 Syllabus of Certificate Courses Painting, Dance _Kathak_, Drama, Guitar, Light Music, Sitar, Painting- One Year Course UG Classes 20-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of Certificate Courses Painting, Dance _Kathak_, Drama, Guitar, Light Music, Sitar, Painting- One Year Course
(177.44 KB)
473 Syllabus of BFA UG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of BFA
(610.75 KB)
474 Syllabus of B.A. Applied Art, Kathak Dance, Painting, Music, Sculpture UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus of B.A. Applied Art, Kathak Dance, Painting, Music, Sculpture
(832.83 KB)
475 Syllabus B.A Dance(Kathak) CBCS 2016-17 UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus B.A Dance(Kathak) CBCS 2016-17
(259.98 KB)
476 Syllabus B.A Music(Vocal/Instrumental) CBCS 2016-17 UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus B.A Music(Vocal/Instrumental) CBCS 2016-17
(478.42 KB)
477 B.Sc with Physics CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc with Physics CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(1415.41 KB)
478 B.A Poltical Science CBCS syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus B.A Poltical Science CBCS syllabus 2016-17
(420.55 KB)
479 B.Sc Zoology Major UG outline syllabus UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc Zoology Major UG outline syllabus
(907.81 KB)
480 B.Sc Botany Major UG Outline Syllabus UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc Botany Major UG Outline Syllabus
(1139.38 KB)
481 Honours Microbiology CBCS syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Honours Microbiology CBCS syllabus 2016-17
(562.81 KB)
482 Honours Biotechnology CBCS syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Honours Biotechnology CBCS syllabus 2016-17
(651.7 KB)
483 Honours Biochemistry CBCS syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus Honours Biochemistry CBCS syllabus 2016-17
(541.45 KB)
484 Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc Life Sciences 2016-17 UG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc Life Sciences 2016-17
(1289.02 KB)
485 Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Botany 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Botany 2016-17
(1108.49 KB)
486 Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Botany Honours 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Botany Honours 2016-17
(1516.52 KB)
487 Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Zoology 2016-17 UG Classes 19-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Zoology 2016-17
(1009.38 KB)
488 Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Zoology Honours 2016-17 UG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus CBCS of B.Sc. Zoology Honours 2016-17
(1390.47 KB)
489 BSC with Chemistry CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus BSC with Chemistry CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(609.09 KB)
490 BSc Physical Science CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus BSc Physical Science CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(611.21 KB)
491 BSc Honours chemistry CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus BSc Honours chemistry CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(1024.57 KB)
492 B.A with Public Administration CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 06-07-2017 Syllabus B.A with Public Administration CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(167.75 KB)
493 Syllabus for Master Degree in Police Administration 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Syllabus for Master Degree in Police Administration 2016-17
(598.05 KB)
494 B.A with Physical Education CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus B.A with Physical Education CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(578.76 KB)
495 BSc Physical Sciences- ( Physics, Computer Science & Mathematics ) CBCS Syllabus UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus BSc Physical Sciences- ( Physics, Computer Science & Mathematics ) CBCS Syllabus
(699.01 KB)
496 B.A and Geography (Hons.) CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus B.A and Geography (Hons.) CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(689.11 KB)
497 B.A and Geography CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 23-07-2017 Syllabus B.A and Geography CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(814.94 KB)
498 B.A with Computer Application CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus B.A with Computer Application CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(1028.21 KB)
499 B.Sc (Hons.) with Computer Science CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc (Hons.) with Computer Science CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(1536.72 KB)
500 B.Sc Honours with Physics CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc Honours with Physics CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(10662.94 KB)
501 BCA CBCS Syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus BCA CBCS Syllabus 2016-17
(391.03 KB)
502 BSc Physical Sciences ( Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics ) CBCS Syllabus UG Classes 20-07-2017 Syllabus BSc Physical Sciences ( Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics ) CBCS Syllabus
(1502.42 KB)
503 B.A History(Hons.) and Pass Course Syllabus CBCS 2016-17 UG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus B.A History(Hons.) and Pass Course Syllabus CBCS 2016-17
(1380.43 KB)
504 B.A and with Mathematics CBCS 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus B.A and with Mathematics CBCS 2016-17
(1210.16 KB)
505 (Hons.) Mathematics CBCS 2016-17 UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus (Hons.) Mathematics CBCS 2016-17
(892.42 KB)
506 Sociology Syllabus (Ist & II Semester) UG Classes 11-07-2017 Syllabus Sociology Syllabus (Ist & II Semester)
(179.93 KB)
507 Modification in B.Ed Syllabus w.e.f 2015-2016 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus Modification in B.Ed Syllabus w.e.f 2015-2016
(336.78 KB)
508 CBCS Syllabus for BA with Hindi 2016 - 17 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus for BA with Hindi 2016 - 17
(185.64 KB)
509 CBCS Syllabus for BA (Hindi) Honours 2016 - 17 UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus for BA (Hindi) Honours 2016 - 17
(205.11 KB)
510 (Honours) CBCS syllabus UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus (Honours) CBCS syllabus
(215.42 KB)
511 (Hon.) Assessment Plan UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus (Hon.) Assessment Plan
(335.57 KB)
512 B.A. (Honours) POLITICAL SCIENCE CBCS UG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus B.A. (Honours) POLITICAL SCIENCE CBCS
(471.47 KB)
513 CBCS syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS syllabus 2016-17
(597.2 KB)
514 with major Biotechnology CBCS-2015 UG Classes 25-07-2017 Syllabus with major Biotechnology CBCS-2015
(449.31 KB)
515 with major microbiology CBCS-2015 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus with major microbiology CBCS-2015
(295.77 KB)
516 BA CBCS Psychology syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus BA CBCS Psychology syllabus 2016-17
(356.87 KB)
517 BA CBCS Psychology (Hons) syllabus 2016-17 UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus BA CBCS Psychology (Hons) syllabus 2016-17
(52 KB)
518 BA Hons Skt 2016-17 UG Classes 15-07-2017 Syllabus BA Hons Skt 2016-17
(429.13 KB)
519 BA with Journalism and Mass Comm & Honours 2016 onwards UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus BA with Journalism and Mass Comm & Honours 2016 onwards
(822.82 KB)
520 CBCS Syllabus for BA with English 2016 - 17 UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus for BA with English 2016 - 17
(340.24 KB)
521 Corrigendum 2 UG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus Corrigendum 2
(437.29 KB)
522 CBCS Syllabus for BA (Economics) Honours 2016 -17 UG Classes 14-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus for BA (Economics) Honours 2016 -17
(1119.56 KB)
523 CBCS Syllabus for BA with Economics 2016 - 17 UG Classes 17-07-2017 Syllabus CBCS Syllabus for BA with Economics 2016 - 17
(594.45 KB)
524 BA(Hindi) UG Classes 06-07-2017 Syllabus BA(Hindi)
(37.43 KB)
525 B.A (Hons) Economics UG Classes 05-07-2017 Syllabus B.A (Hons) Economics
(296.54 KB)
526 Bachelor of Commerce UG Classes 04-07-2017 Syllabus Bachelor of Commerce
(157.23 KB)
527 B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology UG Classes 03-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology
(772.52 KB)
528 B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology UG Classes 12-07-2017 Syllabus B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology
(568.41 KB)
529 Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) UG Classes 10-07-2017 Syllabus Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
(369.1 KB)
530 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
(343.05 KB)
531 Bachelor of Tourism Administration (BTA) UG Classes 18-07-2017 Syllabus Bachelor of Tourism Administration (BTA)
(488.47 KB)